3/19/2019 - 5 (GTS-11, WT-12. WH-12. CD-14. F-12)

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I got four chapters done yesterday.

Gemini, Touch the Sky - This chapter was fun to write, but so was Ryo's frustrations at the relationships he's forming. He's not wanting the relations, but unlike Keith he is more understanding regarding social situations. This is also his second run in with Rachel face to face. I'm still reminded of how she got jilted in this.

Winter Tree - Lance is a complete jerk in this. He's not exactly headed towards redemption just yet either, and yes, after season eight his character needs not only redemption but an eye opening.

Wings of Home - Keith was super adorable in this. I loved writing his introduction to the concept of non-binary characters and how Elena at first thought he was being transphobic when in reality he really didn't know. Elena and Syd get along well with him as does Alex, but I've set up for the plot progression.

Child of the Dark Moon - I'm not fond of the escaped convict as a vampire. It's not that I don't enjoy writing the chapter, but I did set him up as a vampire which in effect is being used as a pawn and he's not exactly bright. He's also developing in a direction I think they don't want him to go.

Free!dom - Poor Rin. Yet another person has come to the conclusion his sister has a crush on Gou, but his teammates at his school now know about Haru dressing as a girl when he was younger. Not that Haru would care. He's rather carefree that way.

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