2/20/2019 - Gemini, Touch the Sky (Ch 4)

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The pivital point I wanted Ryo to come to happens in this chapter rather than the last, but I like the fact it's not actually revealed whereas if I had him reveal the decision during the last chapter it would be there and in the viewers faces, though if they are following the prompt I was given they would know the story would be heading in this direction. It won't be revealed until the eighth chapter where I should hopefully be somewhere around the 8,000 milestone. I was also able to introduce some of the darker politics in this chapter. One of the things VLD never went into was Earth politics beyond the fact some decisions were made which caused a large amount of people to die, but some of the moves felt a bit stupid on the part of those in charge. It's almost as if the character making the decisions was created just so we could see a ton of destruction on Earth and have a bunch of angst. This in turn led to the destruction of the farm which belonged to Lance's family and added to his moment of getting with Allura.


One of the things rarely discussed in fandom is the fact the younger of Lance's two sisters looks like Allura, but with black hair. I mean, I decided to have Ryo take a liking to Raechel for that reason - his interests are similar to Keith's just like they were in GoLions, but it makes Lance's obsession with Allura rather creepy. Let's not forget the fact she thought of him as a rather obnoxious sibling until late in season seven and season eight, but that's the interpretation of the material JM and DS wanted people to get, yet isn't the one I took away.

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