1/21/2019 - Child of the Dark Moon (Ch 1)

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How do I feel about this chapter?

I honestly feel this is so far the most difficult chapter I've written. I rewrote this particular chapter quite a few times. One of the pieces of missing information from the Sirius the Jaeger series is information regarding  Yuriy's mother Saichi. Her name is possibly Japanese, but Willard asks Yuriy if Japan is nostalgic, so she is probably Japanese.

As for the noble clan which specializes in Jaeger, I've dropped hints regarding a particular connection with another canon character. How that fits in regarding the actual information given the canon material will be revealed later on, but one of the things I like is that Yuriy isn't the only oddity in the family.

One of the things I realized as I wrote this is this isn't a series which would work as a single novella. I was attempting to avoid those kinds of stories, yet I also feel this one can stand much on it's own. The plot's also gotten a little more complex than I originally planned, yet I really love the direction it is going in. Why don't I say anything more?

Well... spoilers...

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