3/6/2019 - Devil's Advocate (Ch 9)

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I found myself cutting back on making Lance out to be a complete pervert. In all honestly I'd just got finished hearing that LM wanted to make Lance raise Allura - his "girlfriend" up from being a baby - and I remembered Allura and Rachel (Lance's sister) look very similar and I felt squicked. I can't support Allurance on any level. Having Lance be an absolute pervert - it's not out of character for him, but I'm really not in the mood for that.

However, what I found out makes me wonder if I really want to redeem VLD Lance in my stories. I'm going to continue to do so simply because that was my original plan and you can interpret him differently. Can you? I guess since it didn't make it into the canon and we as a fandom have decided not to listen to JDS or LM anymore regarding the directions they wanted except to figure out how much they messed up or were going to mess up I can.

I think what's more important here is I'm not at all concerned with people lashing out because they think I'm treating Lance wrong for bringing out his flaws and - Lance is an awful person in VLD and never grew from that. Actually, I was thinking of having Elena replace Lance completely in Wings of Home and I'm honestly going to go for it. It's not because I hate Lance. I still love Lance from DouT, but this Lance is indeed an awful person and while I could take him through the growth...

... it's my way of saying Lance didn't deserve anything he got in VLD.

But in honest truth I don't care what people do with Lance in their fanfics anymore except of course pretending what he did in canon never happened. I'm talking not about stories which branch off and thus some of the things he did would never happen, but things which - like his crush on Allura - being hand waved as if it never existed so he can get with another girl without him getting over his crush on Allura. It is a major infatuation.

I get that's not a comfortable place for people to go, but please don't ignore the fact Lance is an abusive person in canon. (VLD Lance that is! DouT Lance is a different story!)

If they want to replace Lance on the team, fine. Far better than replacing Keith in my books like JDS and LM planned. He can be replaces with an OC, another canon character from VLD, Lance from DouT, a version of himself whose actually grown as a character if you show it, or even a canon character from another universe. What JDS and LM did - particularly since Voltron is not their original creation - was uncalled for, but I'm hoping at least season eight gets retconned, but if they do it may be more than just season eight.

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