23 : Strength of the Gods

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Daniik lunged with his claws, and Dilarox effortlessly ducked under. She kicked up just as he flew over her, and knocked him hard into the throne.

He pushed himself up using the chair, knocking it over and causing it to smash into a thousand bits.

     "You're getting sloppy, brother." Dilarox tsked and kicked a chunk of the armrest away.

     I blinked, feeling helpless. I was frozen in fear at the likeness of Queen Hyla. The last thing I wanted to do was fight her again...

     But Daniik, our kingdom's greatest Guardian, was now spitting blood as the two slashed at each other. I shut my eyes just for a moment, and silently begged the Gods to give me the strength.

But then I opened them. The gods have already given me the strength. I had it all along, and I never even knew. Perhaps I wasn't truly trying?

I don't know how I talked myself into it, but I threw myself through the air and slammed into Dilarox's side hard. I heard a slight crack, as some ribs might've broken.

     Her eyes were wide and she froze. Daniik used her split second of weakness and kicked her away. She landed on her back, knocking the air out of her lungs. I cautiously came beside Daniik, glaring at the true enemy.

"You'll pay for that." She snarled, struggling to come to her feet. With a roar, she charged and rammed me just as hard, sending me crashing through the stained glass window that sat behind where the throne used to stand.

A billion colored crystal fragments glittered past my eyes, and time seemed to slow as I fell into the rainy world outside.

A bolt of lightning crashed, and I felt awakened.

My head was burning, and a faint flow emitted from behind my eye. My symbol!

I felt electricity shooting through my veins, spreading, and boiling. My fists clenched and my wings unfolded, pushing them down and holding myself in the air with a powerful beat.

My heart pounded, watching Dilarox and Daniik crash through the same window, barreling towards the ground.

     The final fight had only just started...

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