Chapter 8

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"Why did I kidnap you." He repeats and finishes with a smirk.

"Yeah you wouldn't venture towards humans for no reason." I say.

"I kidnapped you to be my mate." He replies.

"M-mate." I whimper.

"Yes, we have soul mates and you are mine. You were chosen for me as a perfect match when I turned sixteen." He says.

"Was everything a lie. You did it because you wanted a mate not because you wanted to help me." I exclaim.

"No it wasn't like that! I saw you getting beat up and I took you from that because you are my mate. If you weren't being treated like that I wouldn't have had you kidnapped in such a way. I would have likely taken you once you turned 18, or at least after a few weeks if I got tired of waiting." He says.

"But kidnapping me. Don't I get any choice in whether I want to be your mate." I say clenching my fists.

"We're mates. We're supposed to be together. We belong together. Try deny the bond all you want but if you think I'll let you leave me you're dead wrong. I have an entire pack of werewolves at my disposal. Try run away and they'll outrun you and bring you back to me if I don't get you first. It's better to accept me than to keep fighting." He says.

"You cannot keep me here against my will! I have a right to choose who I am with-"

"Princess you're not in human territory anymore. Maybe I should have told you this but females are their mate's property. You are mine." He says whispering in my ear, his breath touching my skin.

"Maybe I don't want to be yours." I say in protest.

His hands touch my wrists, gently, sending an electric feeling through me which I try ignore.

"Don't fight me." He whispers.

I fight against him, pulling relentlessly to get free.

My body gives into his touch as his fingers graze my shoulders.
My struggling suddenly stops as I lose control of my body.

"Should I have mentioned that an alpha has the most power over his mate, and lucky for you I am an alpha. I just have been rather gentle and lax with you, letting you adjust but I'd rather have to use the mate bond we share over you if it means you won't be as likely to escape me. I can't have an heir with anyone other than my mate so I need you." He says.

"Grrr please stop this. I want to go home." I say.

"Back there! You are mine. They hurt you and are lucky I haven't hurt them yet." He growls pulling me to the bed and lying me down.

"Now you are going to be a good little mate, Sasha, or else I won't hesitate to begin restraining you to keep you here. I'll do whatever it takes I don't mind threatening if not taking the lives of humans you are close to. I'll do anything it takes to keep you as mine." He says.

"So will you behave my princess?" He asks.

"Y-yes." I whimper.

He leans forward over me and kisses my lips.

He breaks away and I look up at him.

"So innocent, it's adorable." He comments running his fingers gently along my cheek, caressing my skin gently

Kidnapped By My Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now