Chapter 61

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I watch as Sasha lies asleep on the bed at the hospital. Her beautiful brown locks fan out from her head and her beautiful pink lips look so kissable right now and I would kiss them if she was not asleep.

I can hear her soft heartbeat and breathing as she lies fast asleep, looking like an angel lying spread out before me.

She does not deserve her ungrateful parents. I have heard of cases like hers where a wolf is born without a wolf. It explains why it was possible for her to be my mate. Her genes that have been passed down to her from wolves are what make her able to do things like swing through trees and heal slightly faster.

However just being a slightly enhanced human is not good enough for most parents. They feel disappointed and ashamed of having a human child and will often abuse or abandon it. I know I am lucky that Sasha is even alive after what she must have gone through with her parents through the years. She's determined and strong, even if I won't tell her that I think that.

I brush my hand gently over her soft pink cheek, electric sparks causing a rush of tingles beneath my fingers with each touch and contact between our skin.

Her gorgeous green-blue eyes slowly open while she moans and sits up in the bed, rubbing her eyes in a sweet, adorable manner. Her lips part as she yawns tiredly from waking up.

I can't help but press my lips to hers and I wrap my arms around her and pull her close.

She gasps in surprise and I deepen the kiss, holding her tight. She returns the kiss, refusing to hold back despite just having woken up.

I never want to let her go. I don't want to let her return to those sorry excuses of parents. They had no right to make her an outsider in her own home just because she was what is known as a runt. My precious Sasha is perfect and if they can't realise it then they won't get to be anywhere near her.

I lean in closer to her, pulling her tighter as I deepen the kiss. I feel her sweet responsive lips moving in sync beneath mine. It feels like heaven being so close to her and kissing her like this whilst holding her in my arms.

I can smell her lovely enticing scent, if she did not have boundaries and we were not in a place where people could walk in on us at any second, I would be doing more than kissing her.

I hear the door open and she quickly breaks away from me, blushing shyly as her hands press hard on my chest to shove me away. Despite being my mate and having been married, she still blushes and gets nervous around other people when we kiss, it's honestly adorable.

"Morning Miss Gareth, I'm Doctor Valerie and I'll be seeing to you today," the doctor says walking in, interrupting any time I can spend alone with my precious mate.

I listen to the doctor ramble on and on, prescribing lots of pain medication and what not for my sweet mate. Then a police officer comes in and we each give a statement and stuff. I want this to all be settled sooner rather than later.

"Miss Gareth do you have any family that you can stay with since you claim that you cannot stay with your family?" The officer asks.

"No," she whispers.

"She can stay with me," I suggest and the officer glances at me.

"I'm sorry but you are not guardian material," he says.

"What? I can stay with him-" Sasha protests.

"Officer Jeremy has a wonderful family and has offered that you stay with him and his family until the court case is over and if it goes your way then until the end of high school," the officer says.

"How am I not guardian material but a stranger is? I have looked after her for a month and she is perfectly fine besides we love each other. We might just as well be married," I say defending myself and my worthiness to have Sasha stay with me.

"And how old are you?"

I'm not a minor and I'm a legal adult and I am the CEO of Night Wood Inc. I am very much capable of looking after my girlfriend," I say.

I see Sasha looking at me rather shocked. I guess I forgot to tell her that although we don't live exactly amongst humans we do have jobs since we kind of need money to function and buy supplies needed. I also use the company as a cover and things. I mean the company is kind of something I inherited and I let Zack do most of the work running it when I am busy with the pack.

"I asked for your age."

"Nineteen but I don't see how that changes anything," I scoff.

"If you were to I don't know break up what kind of position would that put her in. You can see her as much as you want but custody will be handed over to Officer Jeremy for now," the officer says.

This is why I hate being in towns and cities, I have absolutely no control or influence. It does not help that they think they want to get the enjoyment of pushing new down.

I could threaten them with my company but I am still trying to change a bit for Sasha's sake, at the very least I should be nice in her presence. I don't want to upset her or anything.

"Do I get a say?" She pipes up.

"No," the officer states, rather harshly.

That's it I definitely don't like him. He's lucky I have not set my pack on him for trying to separate my beautiful mate and I. Not only that but he has shot down her right to an opinion.

"Why should she not choose? It's her life," I say.

"She'll choose her boyfriend without hesitation. I don't think that is a fair choice," he says.

This is unfair, he's forcing her to go somewhere she doesn't want to go just because a friend suggested taking her in.


Thanks for all your support in passing 11k votes and 400k reads.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing it.

Also like most chapters this is not edited so one day when I eventually edit it when my writing is better, this chapter will likely be a bit longer. Cause I'm not a pro at writing or anything, I do sometimes struggle to write longer chapters and I'm sorry that you have to put up with that.

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