Chapter 56

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I hug Ren, carrying her in my arms as she clings to me and we step out the car. I got to sit with the crying four year old angel because I still need to take my learners and then my drivers so I can't drive, not physically nor legally.

"Sasha," I hear a low and angry growl coming from a familiar wolf.

"Dylan, my lovely mate-"

"Where were you Sasha? I told you not to leave. You know it's dangerous," he says half growling at my clear defiance of exactly what he told me to do which was to stay out if danger and in the pack house.

"We were put with this darling little Ren. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get some ice-cream someone had a rather traumatic day," I say trying to walk past him.

He picks Ren up off me and hands her to Lila. I try get past him but to my annoyance he is blocking my path.

"She can get the pup ice-cream. You on the other hand are coming with me so I don't have you on faulty amusement rides again," he growls.

"So um you knew about that?" I whisper.

"A pack member was there and told me. Sasha you could have died! You are not leaving my sight again," he says.

His arm sweeps under my legs, picking me up in his arms whilst he speaks and takes me to his boring old office.

"Lila and I were only trying to have some fun. After everything I deserve some freedom and some relaxation. I've been put through constant fear and stress for the past over a month,"

"Those reasons are also why you should stay here with everything that has been going on it is dangerous and you were with humans, what if someone recognized you and you went back to your parents-"

"I know but you would save me or report them. Regardless I deserve to be able to at least have some fun. Maybe a fair with a faulty ride was not the best option but I my defence I did not know how poor the condition of the ride was until I got on it."

"It's just until I know everything is safe, then we can go out and have fun," he insists.

"And when will that be? I can't spend my life locked up with you telling me it is not safe all time-"

"When the two are executed," he answers my question with a rather blunt tone making my eyes widen in horror.

"No! Dylan you cannot kill them! It's wrong! It's completely immoral. So what if what they did was wrong, killing them is not the answer," I tell him.

"It's the best way to keep you safe and it's how our society works. Crimes against the Alpha family. The organised your kidnapping whilst you were in heat. That nearly killed you. They have organised numerous other kidnappings and they kidnapped me. Not only that but it might stop my nightmares," he says.

"This is not the way. An eye for an eye will make everyone blind," I point out.

"But justice will be served," he says.

"And people will die Dylan," I say.

"Two criminals who deserve it will die. They have committed serious crimes," he says.

"They are from a different pack and is life sentence not better?" I ask as he sits me on the desk.

"Don't you want to go outside without the fear of being kidnapped?"

"You have more enemies than just that pack I am sure but that does not mean you can just kill everyone to protect me-"

"Not everyone, just those two. Sasha they tortured me and they threatened you. They were going to have you caged and tortured, among other things that I don't want to say but I can't let them live," he says.

Kidnapped By My Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now