Chapter 58

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"Is it really true that she ran away from home?"

"I think she got arrested and used that as a cover up, I knew there was no way she could be such a goody goody."

I walk through the hallways, clutching my books to my chest as everyone stares at me and gossips whilst I pass by them.

I want to go up to them and ask if there is anything wrong because it is not normal to stand lining a hallway, pressed up by the lockers, gossiping when a girl walks past. I mean it happens in the movies, but this is real life. Is life seriously this cliche?

"Hey I'm Amber, I've never seen u around. Are you new here?" Amber a very enthusiastic student council member asks.

"Um no? I've been here since eighth grade? Like everyone else?" I say.

"Really? I have never seen you," she says.

"I've been absent for the past month," I tell her, hoping she will just slowly back away.

"Tell me your name. Maybe then I'll remember you," she says.

"Sasha. Sasha Gareth," I say.

"Oh I remember you. You're number one in the grade for academics," she says.

"That's me," I mutter.

"We should be friends! Why don't you come and sit with me at break?" She asks.

I hesitate but then decide that it is time for me to actually make friends. I don't have to feel guilty about Alex anymore and I don't have to stop myself having fun, in fact it was really stupid to have ever done that.

"Well that sounds great," I tell her as I open my locker and put some of my books inside of it.

"Okay. We sit under the-"

"Don't worry, I know where you sit," I tell her with a small smile.

The bell then interrupts us by ringing with it's terribly annoying loud sound and I we split ways walking to our admin classes where they read the announcements and tick off who is and who is not absent.

Eventually after a ten minute period, of the teacher calling out everyone's names and marking them off, followed by me telling everyone that I am definitely not dead, the bell rings again and we go to our separate classes for first period.

I walk into the History class and slip into my seat right at the back, you know the place where you feel hidden from the teacher and everyone else, even if you are not.

Mrs Smith walks into the class and, like she always has, skips the normal introduction of "hello class". She replaces this boring introduction by slamming her hands loudly on the desk and screaming out facts and questions about the Second World War.

Now everyone can probably answer all these questions, okay some of us can answer all these questions, but her slamming of the hands on the desk and fast loud speech is a real shock to the system.

Her beautiful greeting also has Andrew screaming in surprise and fright from well that and it is somewhat funny to watch.

"Andrew were you sleeping!? Class has only just begun!"

"Y-yes sir," he says and the entire class looks at him frightened.

"Do I look like a man?!"

"No sir- I-I mean ma'am," he squeaks.

Mrs Smith then just ignores him and goes on to teach us about the Blitzkrieg and then she starts on the concentration camps but is rudely interrupted by the bell, that interrupts everything and I carry on with the next three periods until break.

"Sasha!" Amber exclaims running to me and grabbing my wrist the second I leave class.

"Amber, can I quickly go change my books?" I ask and thankfully she relents, following me to my locker where I take out the next few periods books and my lunch.

She then drags me outside to a table where there are two boys and one girl all sitting.

"Sasha, this is Matt, Caleb, and May. Matt and May are twins. Everyone, this is Sasha, she will be sitting with us from now on," Amber declares.

I watch them nervously as I slip into my seat and begin to eat my lunch.

"So Sasha what clubs are you in?" Caleb asks me.


"You aren't in any clubs, we have to change that, how about you come and join the swimming team? Matt and I are the captains, I'm sure you will love it!" May says and I assume Matt and May are the sort of twins that do everything together.

"I'm not that good at swimming-"

"You can learn," Matt says.

Is this group full of optimists?

"How about archery? I'm part of the archery team and the captain, Samantha, is really nice," Caleb suggests.

"That sounds fun, I love archery," I tell him.

"Great, we meet today after school, you can maybe come amd see if you like it," he suggests.

"That will be great thanks," I grin.


I walk to the clearing in the forest just behind the school, following after Caleb. I hope Dylan is not watching, he would be rather jealous if he was.

"Hey Sam. This is Sasha. We were wondering if she could join practice today to see what it's like," Caleb says.

"She kind of looks like Amber," I whisper in his ear.

"Yeah they are cousins and they both live together with Amber's parents, they are practically sisters," he whispers back.

"Are you two dating?" She asks enthusiastically and I can definitely see the Amber in her, they are definitely related.

"No! I already have a ma-man. A boyfriend," I say, correcting myself.

"Okay, so do you know how to use a bow and an arrow?" She asks giving me a bow and three arrows, hesitating for a second before handing them over. I mean why would she not hesitate, it's the same as handing a stranger a sword or a gun.

"Definitely," I reply.

"Well then show us what you've got," she says and I see wooden targets lined up. I can see why they choose the clearing, it means they don't have to take down their targets after every practice.

I put the arrows on the ground, keeping one in my hand.

"Maybe you should let Sam demonstrate, just in case you're rusty?" Caleb says, obviously a little nervous.

"Trust me," I laugh readying the bow and placing the arrow where it needs to be.

I draw the arrow back and aim at the target, taking in a slow breath and letting it out, there's far less pressure here than there was on the battlefield.

I release the arrow and it goes flying to the target, cutting sharply through the air and hitting the mark, the bullseye, right where I want it to be.

I repeat the process, firing each arrow at a different target, with each one hitting their mark perfectly.

"What do you think?" I ask turning around to see the team staring at me wide eyed.

Does that mean I did good or does it mean that there is a giant wolf behind me?

"Well that was really good," Caleb says seeming stunned.

"So do we shoot arrows from trees? Or shoot at moving targets?"

"No?" Sammantha says.

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