Chapter 59

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I walk into the house, closing the door behind me. I sit my bags down on the ground as I close the door behind me.

The second I turn around, a fist flies towards me and meets my face in a direct and very painful manner. The force of the punch has me falling to the ground, whimpering in pain. My hand slowly touches my cheek which stings in pain. It seems I have forgotten how sore the beatings are during my time with Dylan.

"How dare you come home late!? After everything we have been through whilst you were off galavanting  with your new boyfriend. Do you have any idea what we went through?! People doubted our parenting skills!" Mom shouts at me slapping my other cheek just as I sit up, pushing me back to the ground.

Yeah I doubt your parenting skills now as well. I was actually kidnapped, galavanting with my mate came at a later stage and I thought you would be happy to have me gone.

"I-I am sorry mother," I whisper trembling.

"Sorry?! That's all you have to say for yourself, you worthless and weak little brat! Do you know all that we have done for you, you ungrateful runt? We have given you clothes, an education, a roof over your head and we are the reason you are alive and you repay us my rebelling? Running away with a pathetic good for nothing boyfriend and-"

"Please don't bring Dylan into thi-"

"Did we ever even say you could have a boyfriend? I think not. You don't deserve to be loved. The last time you loved remember what happened. He was using you and the argument you had with your brother who was trying to help got him killed."

"Alex didn't die," I mutter.

"You little liar!" She said slapping me.

"He is alive. Alex attacked us. He kidnapped my boyfriend last week! It was not all sunshine and rainbows for me either!" I shout at her, unable to deal with being the girl who just takes every hit.

Whilst I am screaming I for some reason begin to wonder if she actually knows that her son is a werewolf.

"Alex is dead Sasha! He is dead and it is your fault!" She shouts shoving me to the ground and I wince as I feel a lit of pain in my back.

"He is not dead! He is a werewolf and he tried to kidnap me and my boyfriend!" I shout and I cover my mouth.

I don't think I am supposed to expose that Alex is a werewolf.

"Of course he is a werewolf! There is nothing wrong with him. You however are an abomination. A human born from two werewolves, you are a disgrace and the only reason you are alive is because we took pity on you!"

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask softly.

"Because you're useless!"

"Then go ahead and disown me mother. Let me go back to my mate and I'll leave your lives," I declare.

"And seem like bad parents for letting you just go. If you leave the police will go after you again and we will frame your boyfriend for kidnapping you, he'll go to jail and...." she says and I clench my fists.

I don't want the police to constantly be after us and for him to end up in jail! He has a pack. I mean he actually did kidnap me but I love him and I'm not letting him go to jail.

A hand swipes hard across my face and I fly into the tables.

"Your brother died! You are delusional you stupid girl!" My father shouts coming into the mix seeming somewhat late.

I cry in pain as I am beaten like in the good old days. I want it to stop. I want to go back to being happy with Dylan.

My parents continue beating me, shouting insults at me and refusing to hold back on their punches and kicks.

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