Chapter 48

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I pant as the wolfsbane works it's way through my body slowly flooding my veins not strong enough to kill me but strong enough to make me writhe in pain. It's cruel and harsh burn sets my body ablaze in a merciless agony.

Another scream attacks the air of the cell, the sound burning my already aching lungs as I struggle to bear my pain.

I want to faint and be rid of this pain- it's not pain, pain is too gentle in comparison to what plagues my body.

I think of my human angel to try distract me but it does nothing to help. The image of her beautiful lips, eyes and hair only makes me feel restless. The sound of her laughter rings through my ears like a melody and her distant touch is like the gentle touch of the softest silks and satins. The memory of the nights with her body curled up perfectly in my arms sleeping soundly whilst I allowed my hand to gently stroke her back.

I really need my mate. The bond is getting really hard to ignore when I'm constantly pulled to her but I can't go to her as much as I try. Every time I get free I am caught, drugged with more wolfsbane and chained up again.

I can't bear the thought of one of these men using her, treating her like a pet and selling her off to be used. It's cruel to do such a thing to an innocent teenage human girl- actually that is a cruel thing to do to anyone regardless of who or what they are.

"It's pitiful how you continue to fight the wolfsbane instead of just give in and let it weaken you completely," Alex says entering the cell to taunt me again.

"I'll fight until I am free," I growl.

"You know my little sister is quite good at raising an army. She's reformed the Alliance, the one that made up the Kingdom of the lycans-"

"Then I doubt you'll succeed if you're going against an army. You should just release me now, do that and they may spare this pack. You'll be defeated before you get to my pack and can take her-"

"That is unless we capture her on the battlefield. Sorry to burst your bubble but your little mate does not seem to want to be the damsel in distress. She's causing a lot of problems for us with her army," Darren says with a smirk.

"She can't be here-" I say shaking my head wide eyed, my little mate cannot be here. It's far too dangerous for her, if she's captured- I don't even want to think about that.

"Then why did I talk to her on the battlefield?"

"No!" I scream horrified, this is the worst thing that could possibly happen right now.

Sasha is in the fight, that means if we lose she won't likely be able to flee, she'll be captured, captured and treated like a pet, used and hurt by these people.

Just the idea of what they will do to her hurts more than the wolfsbane. The image of men touching what is mine, making her cry in pain whilst I am helpless and unable to save my Luna. The thought of her pained cries hurt me terribly and I rip at my chains fighting against the wolfsbane that plagues my body.

"Why do you want to hurt her?!" I growl, "Was abandoning her when she needed you most not bad enough!"

"I don't want to hurt her. I want to hurt you. She just happened to be your biggest weakness, besides when you think of it why should I protect her when she won't be of any use-"

"You want her to suffer then just to hurt me!"

"Well when you put it that way.... yes. Yes I do. Loyalty to the pack surpasses family bonds when you are of high rank here," Alex shrugs.

"Where is Sasha. You said you saw her on the battlefield, where is she?!" I ask worried for her sake.

My heart sinks as a smirk lights up Alex's face, "Why in a pretty gilded cage of course."

My fists clench as tears swell in my eyes.

"No! No! Let her go!"

"Why should we do that? She's a very important little prize, besides we have your mate, I think you should behave unless you want us to give her over to one of our warriors for the night," Alex says.

"No! Please just let me see her," I request, my voice shaking.

"And allow you to have the satisfaction of gazing upon your mate? How about no. We have her captured to torture you, not to make you happy and I think you'll be more likely to try mate with her when you see her and I don't want you to experience any sort of relief or pleasure here. You are supposed to be tortured so I'm sure not seeing your captive mate is the worst torture you can have," Alex says.

"Please don't hurt her. She's done nothing wrong," I say, my hands shaking and my body trembling in fear for my little Sasha.

"Well then you better behave," Alex says picking up a silver whip and hitting it on the ground to test it out a bit.


So we're nearing 50 chapters. I honestly never thought I'd ever write this many chapters in a book. Thank you for all your votes, comments, reads and support and for allowing this book to pass 250k reads, which is a quarter of a million reads. So thank you all so much for helping me get this far and for making the comments section such an interesting and entertaining place.

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