Chapter 67

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"I DEMAND YOU RELEASE ME!!!" I tell enraged at my older brother as I fight in the beautiful golden bird cage.

Actually there is no beautiful golden bird cage. There is just a stone room with a metal door where I am chained inside being watched by my amused older brother sitting on a chair eating popcorn. When did he become so downright sadistic and cruel.

"Aw you know that is never going to happen my darling little Sashie," he says.

I cringe at the childhood nickname.

He stares at me sniffing the air.

"Hmm your scent seems to be altering my dear sister."

His sadistic grin becomes a smirk as he kneels down before me and I struggle.

"Get away from me you sadist!"

"So that's why you are so intent on struggling and fighting with all your might. Hello there little one. I'm your Uncle Alex."

I freeze. Is he implying that I am pregnant!

I'm still a vir— wait I'm not! I did do it that once with Dylan when I was in heat. I can barely remember it but I definitely did do it.

It was so spur of the moment that we did not use any kind of protection. Nothing and I don't know how fertile the average she wolf is in heat or how potent the average male's sperm is.

I should have been getting information my first like week or month instead of running away so much. Maybe if I had not run away I would not have drawn so much attention to myself and would not be in this whole kidnapping for the 100th time thing in the first place. I am an idiot.

I squirm as I feel my brother lifting my pajama top and placing his hand on my stomach.

I then feel him unlock my chains.

"Don't worry little sister. This changes a lot. I would not hurt a pregnant she wolf. Harming pups goes against everything we stand for. I won't use you as bait if it will hurt a little pup," he says.

Yet he would hurt me otherwise.

He picks me up like a princess and carries me out of the cell and dungeons and into a nicely decorated room that I guess suits him.

He gently lies me on his bed and treats me like he is a doting parent or mate. He is neither of the two and frankly has tried to make my life horrible ever since our touching and beautiful family reunion that happened in a battle. The reunion where he tried to take me prisoner. That one. The one that was never a beautiful and touching.

"I wonder if I should get you some pregnancy tests. A wolf's smell never fails but just for caution. I mean you have to have lived through your first and second heat by now which means you will be pregnant unless there was a miscarriage or you are infertile or there is an issue—"

"Is this a joke Alexander? I am seventeen! I am not eighteen and I don't want to be pregnant. Make it stop!"

He growls at me.

"Don't say such fowl words Sasha. Pups are the most beautiful and innocent things in this world. That's why I made sure to give you all the love you deserved whilst you were a pup. If it was not for me you would have died from their negligence. You know as well as I do mom and dad never wanted a runt and definitely not a female runt. They could never kill you by hand but they starved you Sasha. You don't remember this but it was bad. As a pup I had to rush you to hospital several times and make up occurrences because you were denied food. I ended up forcing them to feed you," he says stroking me gently.

"Why are you acting like this Alex. You can't be so bipolar. One minute you are laughing at me suffering and the next you re acting as if I matter."

"I have never hated you. It was the pack that mattered. The accident was a real accident it was never some cover up. I could not go to a human hospital so I went to our pack. I got close with the Alpha and well he chose me as his Beta because of our family line. It's not like I love you entirely. You are mated to my enemy. The second I saw you on the battlefield I could smell his claim all over you. I felt like you were a traitor and I still do. However you are blood and I cannot let you suffer. Not whilst pregnant."

"But we don't know for certain—"

"I know what a pupped female smells like. You smell like mom when she was pregnant with you only sweeter. Just rest okay. I'll look after you, even when you have had your pup," he says.

I feel kind of happy inside. I mean my brother is being nicer to me this is something. I want Dylan but at least my own brother does not want me dead anymore.

Downside is I am stuck here without Dylan and I am likely pregnant. I don't think I am ready to be a mother. I mean some are pregnant at sixteen but I wanted to get a degree.

My eyes widen as my stomach feels horrible and I jolt up in the bed holding my mouth.

Alex quickly grabs a packet throwing out the cloths and he puts it right onto my mouth.

I remove my hands and begin to violently vomit. He holds back my hair as I empty last night's no longer very delicious supper into the packet.

"A-Alex," I sob.

"Its okay Sasha. It's all going to be okay. This is part of the process of you giving birth to your beautiful little boy or girl," he says stroking my hair.

"It hurts," I cry holding my throat as he takes the packet for me.

"Come let's go get you cleaned up," he says picking me up and I lean into my brother.

I can't help but savor the rare moment where he actually cares for me.

He sits me on the toilet as he begins to run a bath.

He fetches a shirt for me to wear as well as a towel.

"I must be like three to four weeks pregnant by now," I mutter.

"Don't worry little sister I'll take treat care of you and the pup," he tells me.

"What about Dylan it's his pup too—"

"Sure. Let's see him as the sperm donor—"

"He is my mate!"

He rolls his eyes and begins removing my clothes for me once he stops the bath.

"Alex!" I exclaim in giggles as he touches my ticklish sides before placing me in the scented bubble bath.

"Call me if you need anything. Don't think of escaping. I bugler barred the windows and will be sitting on the bed watching for when you come out," he says walking out.

I sigh going into the bubbles.

There is like a really high chance I might be pregnant and I can't even be around my mate to tell him that.



So school is now cancelled because of Coronavirus. Our teachers thought it great to send us off into the holidays with work so yay. I am dying inside but I guess I don't have to go back to school until after Easter that's unless it is extended further.

Thanks for your support. Like 61k reads till a million.

Also this whole pregnancy was kind of something I saw in the comments and decided not to use until I just decided to use it anyway.

Oh and I think I am going to end this book soon. Maybe somewhere after Chapter 70. I have for a while been thinking of a sequel though. It may be a long wait for it but it will come I hope considering I have plans for it.

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