Chapter 63

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I sit at the dinner table, watching from my spot as the happy family talks exuberantly about a variety of topics, ranging from simple things from how each others day was and how school or work was to a variety of other things.

"Please excuse me from the table," I say getting up and taking my plate.

"Oh you're excused. If you could put your plate in the scullery, that would be great thank you," Malinda, Officer Jeremy's wife, says.

"Okay, um goodnight, thank you for the amazing supper," I say before heading to the scullery and putting my plate there.

I feel so much like an outcast even in a loving environment.

I glance at the family of four laughing and having fun before I run up to my room.

I close the door behind me and get changed into my pajamas before I throw myself onto my bed.

Seeing families being so happy like that hurts me. I mean I don't want people to be sad but it hurts me to wonder why I never had that. What did I ever do to not deserve that happiness, that happy family having dinner together moment. Was it because I was born a runt as my parents so "gently" put it. I've always been fine with being human even in the pack but now I don't feel that way. I feel useless and worthless, my own parents did not want me because of how I was born. I'm the reason I could never have that happy family atmosphere at the dinner table.

Dinner with my family was me making the dinner, trying not to let any blood from my wounds fall into the meal, because it happened once or twice and let's say my family was not impressed. After making dinner, I then served it and cleaned whilst they plate then cleaned the dishes and then made myself something simple like two minute noodles or tinned spaghetti.

Even when Alex was with us and we did sit at the table, my parents excluded me from conversations. I sat away from everyone and was treated like an outcast, never being part of the family.

Dylan and I never actually sat down for dinner like a family, we ate in his office or we ate on the sofa or the bed. It was never the normal family at the table way of doing it.

"Hey princess, why are you crying?"

I look up to see Dylan standing behind me and it almost reminds me of the fairy godmother from Cinderella and I begin laughing.

"I was just missing you, that's all," I say with a smile as he sits and wipes away my tears.

"Are you sure? Are they nice people? They did not do anything mean did they? If they did I will just have to take you and we can move to another country till you're eighteen so no one can separate us," he says.

"That sounds nice but no they are nice. I know the girls from school. I was just upset about how amazing they all looked as a happy family and how I did not have that. You know my normal sadness and melancholy," I tell him kissing him softly on the cheek.

"You missed," he whines.

"Maybe I was aiming for your cheek," I say.

"You dare deny me my normal kisses, you little devil," he says pinning me to the bed.

"Hey off me you big lug," I whine.

"Hey stop!" I scream as his fingers begin to tickle me.

"Then kiss me properly Luna," he says.

"Fine just stop first," I say.

He stops but keeps me pinned down in case I try escape and I lift my lips to his.

I however take too long for the wolf and he decides to do things at his own pace. I gasp as his lips come crashing down onto mine and they begin to devour mine with passion and hunger that has me wanting him to never stop.

His lips lift and I pant breathlessly and I whine wanting him to kiss me some more.

"Sasha are you really okay? I know you missed me but it can't make you cry this much," he says.

"I'm fine-"

"No Sasha the truth. My queen has never cried without reason and no one cries when they are fine," he says.

"I just feel so guilty Dylan. I ruined my own life by being born a runt without a wolf. Dylan I don't want to be human. If I was not human then my family would want me. I would be able to be as happy as these people, having a happy family dinner and not cooking the food whilst in agony bleeding out and then watching them eat whilst I cleaned my blood off the floor. I want to-"

"Sasha if they can't accept you like this then what kind of family are they? Family is meant to accept you regardless of what you are," he says gently brushing the hair out my face as tears fall from my eyes.


"No buts. You deserve better than a family who abused you because of things you had no control over and were never your fault," he says.

"I just... if I was not human maybe things would be different," I tell him.

"No Sasha they would not. They would not love you unconditionally. I know you crave your parents' love and acceptance but please stop, they are not the kind of people you need love from. I love you and is that not enough? I would love you no matter what you are," he says.

My cheeks turn slightly pink at his declaration and I try hide my head shyly but he kisses me before I can bury my face in his shirt.

I just pray no one walks in on us because I think someone might get the wrong idea from our position.

"I love you so much Sasha. You are absolutely perfect. Never let anyone ever make you think otherwise and if they do, I will make them wish they had never even thought of saying such crude things to you my perfect mate," he says lifting his lips for a few seconds before going at it again.

"Can I remark you?" He asks.

I am about to nod when I suddenly realise that he can't and I shake my head.

"Why not?"

"I'd just rather not," I say blushing.

"Okay, now get some sleep okay," he says putting me properly on the bed and tucking me in under the covers.

"No don't leave. I can't sleep without-"

"I know, neither can I but I can't stay," he says kissing my forehead before putting off the bedroom light and leaving.


Thanks so much for all the reads, votes and comments. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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