Chapter 47

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How do you name a battle? Like seriously I want to be the one to name the battle. Maybe call it the- okay so I have no idea what to call it. I also think that sitting in a tree doing absolutely nothing, because it is night and I can't see and they can see and therefore have the advantage when I repeatedly fail at aiming my shots in the dark, leads to intense boredom on my part.

I sigh as I nibble on the snacks in my backpack. Apparently wolves can go longer without food and they'll be able to hunt. As a human I cannot eat raw meat. So I'd have to start a fire and cook the meat, possibly expose my location, all really fun stuff so I am nibbling on food up in the trees.

So wolves are overpowered I mean able to go longer without food, super strong, super fast, able to turn into a wolf, better hearing, better sight including night vision, I think that covers many bases of what they can do and it's so unfair. Why couldn't I have had werewolf parents and have been a werewolf.

"There you are."

I turn my head to see James having climbed up the tree in his human form and I panic at his loudness.

I quickly react and slam my hand on his mouth and hiss, "Shhh!! Be quiet."

"Um why?" He asks whispering as I remove my hand and I roll my eyes at the insolent fool who thinks it is fun to expose my location when I am most vulnerable in the night without any sight.

"So I may or may not have had a run in with an enemy. Someone I know or knew," I say.

"Who? Is it a past boyfriend, if so Dylan will-"

"No. Um my brother-"

"You have a brother and yet your parents did all that to you and he didn't do anything to stop them," he says.

"Well he kinda um died in a car crash years ago. That car crash had me knocked out completely, it was so bad that I spent I don't know how long in the ICU of the hospital, but I was in the car with him. The accident should have killed him if he didn't go to hospital but I know for a fact he didn't go to hospital because no one ever found his body and who in their right mind steals unconscious bodies from crashed cars. His supposed death is also the reason my parents treated me like how they did but the real important part of all of this is that he is alive and he is supposed to be dead. He tried to guilt trip me into coming with him and when I realised that he was not the same brother I grew up with and I refused to come, he tried to capture me. I heard him give out an order to find me, so um that's great. I mean I've always wanted a group of wolves trying to track me down to capture me under my brother's orders and if you can't tell that was sarcasm," I say crossing my arms.

"If this is any consolation... Dylan will be more than will to have a family with you when this is over. He knows you're not ready but he does want to give you a real family that loves you even if your children will tell you they hate you when you tell them to clean their rooms," James says putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Is that what it's like in a family? If I refused to clean the entire house I'd end up with cuts from glass on my arm," I whisper.

"You know that's not a real family. A pack is kind of a family. Most of us live in the same house that's a sign that we're closer than a normal community," he says.

"That thing is nowhere near the size of a house. I'd call it a mansion maybe a castle," I reply.

"But were those wolves really taking orders from your brother? Wolves don't take orders from ordinary humans, they'd have to be part of the hierachy to do such a thing and to get into that hierarchy the only possible way is for the human to be mated to a wolf in power- but he was giving orders and humans can't become warriors or anything. Your situation is the only way they would take orders from a human but he's not in your situation," James says going way too far in depth with everything.

"Let's not go into it all now. I kind of want to forget about him for tonight since today has been kind of emotionally taxing," I say.

"Of course, now come on you need some rest. I'll watch over you. You can't function as well as us without a little rest," he tells me as he gently presses my head to his lap.

"I want this sort of war to end already. I want Dylan and for there to be no violence. I feel guilty for those I've had to eliminate today," I whisper.

"It's okay it will all be over soon enough," he says giving me something to drink and I go limp and I don't like it. He drugged me! Is he like my brother? Going against me.

"W-what did you do to me? Are you betraying me?"

"No I am not betraying you. I m helping you, Sasha you need to rest and this is the quickest way for you to fall asleep and get some energy back. There is a battle and you are going to fight to stay awake tomorrow if you get no sleep tonight."

"But I'm vulnerable in my sleep-"

"You're human Sasha, you're somewhat vulnerable regardless and even more so without proper rest," he says.

I sigh and give in, closing my eyes after a few seconds of hesitation soon falling into a peaceful sleep with the Beta watching over me.

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