Chapter 19

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I feel pain inside of me as I watch my mate stare out the window longingly. The soft breeze gently blowing her golden brown hair.

It hurts me to see her wish for a life without me. I know she wants to return to her family. Even if they were cruel to her they are her family.

The mate bond between us is supposed to be beautiful instead it isn't. She sees me as no more than a man who caused her to be upset and suffer but I can't let her go. I can't cope without her. It's not safe for her to be near her parents.

I hear water touching the window sill and her sobs which she tries to contain.

I walk towards her and wrap my arms around her..

"Let go of me," she whispers.

"Don't you like it?" I ask.

"Being touched by you? No. I don't like the way you keep forcing me to love you. Can't you accept that you don't own me, I am not in love with you and you can't force me to accept you!?" She says turning around, anger evident in her clenched fists and glaring eyes.

"Sasha we're mates. You just can't feel it-"

"I don't care. I don't even know if you really are a werewolf, maybe others around you are or aren't and you're just using the werewolf attacks on me to try and keep me hostage here!" She says.

"Sasha stop this. You're in denial and denying this won't change anything," I say.

"Then stop forcing this relationship on me! Don't you think it's hard for me? My family didn't treat me too well but I still loved them, they suffered as well after my brother died and turned to drinking and being thrust into this different life where I can't even take a step into the forest without being dragged back, kidnapped or attacked is scary and hard to just adjust to suddenly and werewolves, my mind is struggling to take it all in," she sobs falling to her knees, tears falling from her eyes.

My wolf side feels angry and frustrated as I watch my mate in her knees crying. I can't touch her, she refuses to let me and I'll only make it worse.

I picture my wolf. My midnight black fur and my changed form and I begin to change form, my clothes disappearing as I do till I am a black wolf standing before the crying girl.

I bark like a dog to get her attention and she looks up at me, vulnerable.

I move closer to her and she crawls back scared of me.

I whine doing everything I can to appear 'cute' as to be deemed approachable by my mate.

Later today I'll need to go hunting so I can get some of my manliness back because Alpha's don't do barking, whining and puppy dog eyes to get affection and I am sure none of them want their mate to treat them like a pet with strokes and stuff.
The things I do for her.

I lie on my stomach and make my eyes wide and watery doing a whine and a quivery lip and I can see her resolve weakening by the second and soon enough I have her hugging me and crying into my fur.

She didn't see my shift but at the back of her head she knows I am the wolf but she can't see it in this state. She needs to feel happy and get out her feelings in a way that she feels safe and this is the way she can do it and I can be there for her.

"Wolfy why is Dylan so dominating and possessive? He won't give me any space. My parents are probably sober and worried sick about me. Why does he want to force me into a relationship when I barely know him? He wants to rush everything and doesn't respect that I want to go slow, that I don't even love him, not at the rate he's going. He can't force love. Why can't he understand that?" She asks sobbing into my fur.

I know she doesn't expect an answer and it seems I was wrong, her mind has blocked out that I am the wolf.

8k reads!!!
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for the comments and votes as well.

Also I have changed Dylan's age from 21 to 19

Kidnapped By My Alpha MateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin