Chapter 43

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I jolt up in the bed my hands on my ears in pain. I may not be a wolf but screaming in someone's ear hurts regardless of what they are.

"Get away Zack. I'm going back to mourning in my sleep," I mutter pulling the covers over me.

"He's not dead. They wouldn't kill him, not now," he says.

"Well I am worried and miss him regardless! Do you think I can cry one day and forget what happened the next. It does not work like that you idiot!"

"Well it's time for you to start training to be an Alpha with James and I!"

"I can't properly train! I'm not a wolf!" I point out.

"We know that, however we have worked out a way for you to fight. So I don't know if Dylan told you but Lycans have two allergies, no one of us can help it and despite a lot of trying there is no way to be immune to these allergies which are wolfsbane and silver. If you can learn to use swords, knives and arrows coated in silver you'll be able to fight and we have those things," he says.

"Then why don't you ever fight with them?" I ask getting out of the bed yawning.

"Because wolves fight better in wolf form and shifting with weapons is not as comfortable. All packs who have tried know there is also the case of fighting with something you are allergic to if you use it wrong or touch the blade even the slightest when cleaning or sharpening it without protection, it really hurts. We kept the weapons though," he says as I take out a t-shirt, shorts and takkies.

"Get out if here. I'm going to get dressed and then I'll come," I tell him.

He nods and leaves the room, closing the door and I remove my night dress and everything and I get dressed and braid my hair.

I am supposed to be the Luna not the Alpha. All I want is for Dylan to come back. That's all I want well besides him being alive when he comes back.

I open the door and Zack immediately grabs my wrist and begins pulling me through the oversized mansion that is rightfully called a castle it just does not have the appearance of a castle.

I end up outside where there are silver weapons laid on a wooden table and dummies and dart boards are on trees and held up by wooden poles.

"Welcome to your new training area!" James says and I guess they are just trying to make up for their sadness about Dylan by putting their attention on me.

"So what am I supposed to do?" I ask half yawning because guess what it is five in the morning and Dylan usually lets me sleep in late to cuddle.

It is dark and the only lights are from torches. The house doesn't even have any lights on. That tells you something.

"Grab a weapon such as the knives and begin throwing it at the targets unless you want to use a bow and arrow. You have one minute to hit as many targets as possible, then we'll go running. We won't go as hard on you since you are obviously not a wolf and the last thing we want is you dying from exhaustion," James instructs.

"Your minute starts... now!" Zack shouts and I pick up knives and in the dim light I can see the targets and I throw the knives at the targets.

"Times up! James go count them," Zack says and the Beta rolls his eyes and goes to count the knives.

"Huh, most of them hit their target. Once you've jogged around here five times we'll start with the bow and arrow. If your aim is good then you can take down multiple enemies from a distance. Wolves prefer fighting in wolf form and wolves can't climb trees, although they can jump but not onto a tree," James says.

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