Chapter 26

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I gently run my fingers over Sasha's beautiful golden brown curls as she lies asleep on the couch in my office.

She's so beautiful, sweet and all round perfect. How did I get blessed with a girl like her in the first place. I didn't deserve those second chances she gave me when I tried to dominate her life at first with my Alpha nature coming through. I tried to force a tracking serum into her for crying out loud and yet she gave me a second chance eventually.

I wouldn't exchange her for anything else in the world. My perfect little princess, my luna, my queen, my world, universe and everything I want to live for crammed into one perfect girl.

I don't care that she isn't a wolf. Sure I would have liked to have a she wolf who could shift and go on runs with me but a she wolf would do everything I wanted. She'd love my money and power and status because it's instinctual for a she wolf to want to have a strong mate but Sasha isn't a wolf she has had a hard life and because of that doesn't need material things like wealth and status. She is strong and feisty at times and most she wolves wouldn't go against an Alpha. I wouldn't get the chase that I've had with her and what would the point be if I didn't have to do some work and chasing to get my mate. She's absolutely perfect and deserves to be chased and at the same time to be loved and treated gently as she wants.

She's so amazing and a doubt she even knows it. She doesn't know how badly I want to claim her and make her know how much I adore her.

And now I'm being like a pup obsessed with a beautiful girl. I don't see anything wrong with it I just didn't think I'd act like this with my mate.

I stare into a pair of opening green-blue eyes and I smile and kneel down at the girl's side.

"Hey princess did you sleep well?" I ask her sweetly in a voice I didn't know I actually possessed, a sweet caring tone.

"Mhhhmmm," she mumbles making me want to laugh at her cuteness.

"I'm done with work for today. Do you want to watch a movie. I can get us popcorn and you can choose the movie," I offer and I realise just how cliche having a mate has made me. I don't think I'll ever call anyone else sucking up to their mate cliche again. Okay I probably will, I just won't let them see me being like a cliche lovesick pup around my mate.

She smiles and nods her head and I pick her up in my arms and she leans into my chest.

"So what movie do you want to watch?" I ask.

"Uh I don't know," she says.

"How about Titanic, girls like that movie, right? I've seen James and Ian with their mates watching it," I say.

"Titanic? I'm sorry but it is so long and I've already watched it. It was good but seriously I didn't enjoy how she abandoned him and still said she loved him," she says.

"Well then any other suggestions. Uh we could watch uh," I say trying to think of any cheesy cliche movies that she might be into however as an Alpha I haven't ever paid much attention to those romance movies so it's incredibly hard to come up with suggestions for her when I don't know her taste in movies but all girls love cheesy cliche romance movies where the guy gets the girl, there is intense drama or forbidden love and kisses and in the end they either have a heart breaking separation or they live happily ever after, right?

"Do you have How To Train Your Dragon? I love that movie," she says.

"Sure," I say rather surprised that she chose a movie I have actually watched and am not rather put off by. I had planned to watch her to distract myself from whatever romance movie she might have chosen but I can actually watch this. I mean there are vikings and dragons.

I enter the room and set her down on the couch and make sure she is comfy with some pillows and I make some popcorn and close the door and lock it to ensure we aren't bothered by anyone else and I put on the movie and while that beginning thing before the movie is playing, you know where they show the company who produced it and so on, I put off the light and walk to her because what is better than movies in the dark besides my mate obviously oh and the actual movie if it's a good movie that is.

I pass her her popcorn and she leans against me and the actual movie starts and I notice in the dark, because of my improved night vision, a beautiful smile on her lips, one I definitely wouldn't mind waking up to.

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