Chapter 46

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I lock my eyes on a target, a warrior overwhelmed by multiple enemies. I take a breath and draw the string lining my arrow up and I anticipate where my target will be knowing I need precise hits if I am not to hit the warrior himself.

My fingers release the arrow and it hits a rogue who is immediately weakened by the silver.

I steady the bow and fire the next arrows hitting the targets.

The warrior manages to defeat the last rogues standing around it.

I follow the same pattern shooting arrows and then hiding behind the tree where I am on a high branch.

I run across the branches, turns out forest is the best terrain for snipers which I've decided is probably the best term for my method of fighting.

Sniping seems to be my strength in fighting.

I wander through the trees and take up hidden positions and fire my weapons, mainly arrows from my positions, taking out multiple enemy wolves in the process.

I see a figure in the forest and I look closely curious.

No one shifts during fighting by the looks of things.

I suddenly wonder if it's Dylan.

If he got free then I'd be stupid not to go greet him.

I climb down and keep my knives at the ready as a precaution for if it were to not be Dylan.

I tun towards the figure and I stop dead in my tracks frozen in shock and horror at what or more like who I see.

My eyes are wide and staring in disbelief.

My hands are shaking and I am paralysed- frozen in place.

It's as if time has stopped despite the breeze that blows my hair.

The figure steps closer into the light and I step back mumbling incoherent words and shaking my head as my eyes tear up.

I stopped suffering from nightmares in my daydreams years ago.

I know it's not true, I know better than to believe hallucinations and lies. There is a battle going on and I am heading it. I can't be misled by things of the past.

Does the enemy have some way to exploit my deepest fears and regrets. No that's impossible. Werewolves are one thing anything else is totally something different.

It's a mere coincidence, it has to be there is no other logical explanation.

My back touches the rough bark of the tree as I tremble and the figure steps closer into the light.

"Get away from me! You are not him! You are not real! You are dead and you are not Alexander!" I shout trying to convince myself.

"My dearest little Sashy," he says, his hand lifting my chin so I look into his eyes.

Tears fall from my eyes as my arms latch onto him and I sob.

"Come Sashy it's been a long time since the accident-"

"I'm sorry Lex I was stupid. He cheated on me before we even kissed or held hands. You were right. I was an idiotic infatuated child who did not know who was good and who was bad. Please forgive me," I sob and cry.

"I want to take you somewhere," he says slowly undoing my belt.

I pull away and pull out my dagger.

"You're not Alexander! He was never sly or manipulative!"

"Things have changed Sasha! I thought you would come obediently seeing how much you missed me but it seems I'll take you by force!"

"What do you want with me! If you wanted to take me you should have taken me earlier when I hated myself! I'm sure you're Alex but you're not the Alex I remember and miss every day," I tell cutting his arm with a knife.

"I have your mate Sasha. He is waiting for you," he tells me.

"Then I'll get him myself! You're my brother and I love you but these past few years you must have gotten mixed up with the wrong people like I almost did. Realise that before me dying makes that clear," I tell him.

I push past him and run knowing the direction he came from must be where Dylan is.

I don't know why he is with his captors but I know my brother has changed. His eyes were no longer full of brightness and happiness.

If we win- when we win, I can help Alex but right now I need to save Dylan.

I dart behind a tree and ready my arrow as I hear a wolf approaching.

"I've lost the Alpha Female. Track her down and find her and when you do find her bring her to the pack house. When we capture her it'll be like capture the flag, they will leave with one of their core pieces taken," Alex says to someone.

I clench my fists.

My brother would actually do this to me. I love(d) him. The love and loved thing is kind of unsure. I have always loved him but right now loving him is kind of hard when he wants to capture me and may or may not be torturing my mate.

Alex has been absent from my life for years. He could have come home and my parents would have stopped being depressed and their addiction might have stopped. We could have been a perfect family again even if I have scars from glass against my skin.

He could have otherwise taken me out of my broken home and have looked after me like a real brother should but where was he? Plotting to kidnap my mate.

My mate who you'd think would be the least likely one to fix me considering he kidnapped me and was a possessive jerk but he loved and cared for me when nobody else did.

Why try please my incompetent older brother who obviously does not love me unconditionally and only wants me because capturing me will help him win.

Why try please that jerk when there is a perfectly nice Alpha wolf who saves me every time and succeeds where my brother fails. Dylan took me from my abusive family that I blindly kept loving. He saved me every time I was kidnapped. He saved me when I was attacked and ghess what Alex did not save me once unless you count the advice to stay away from players which didn't exactly do much to save my life.

Maybe I can save Alex or give him back to my dysfunctional family when we win this fight but I'm not surrendering.

I can't believe I have hated myself for years for killing my brother who obviously did not actually die, turns out to be a huge jerk towards his abused sister who didn't care to visit despite her being I don't know traumatized by his death and that leads me to the next big revelation, he doesn't seem to even care about my wellbeing or that I even existed.

I mean I might not have been thought dead in the car crash but I almost died. I was in ICU for a week, the doctors literally thought I was going to die and I ended up with scars from the shattered glass that still mar my body.

That event kind of traumatized me you know but anyway thanks for caring Alex you know you are an amazing caring big brother and I'd happily let you take me captive in your imagination and dreams.

Maybe you could have fooled me had you been innocent but you aren't and I will not suffer a worse humiliation than falling off the back of a wolf by letting myself skip along smiling after you as you lock me up as a prisoner.

I take a small mirror out of my pocket and hold it up to see if Alex is still there because spy movies teach you something which is always have a hair clip, a mirror and blush with you. Two of the above mentioned come with the hand held mirror.

I mean I doubt there will seriously be any lasers and if there are that they will be invisible but I guess blowing blush into a wolf's eyes will do something.

I see he is gone and I climb the tree and continue causing mayhem as a sniper in the trees.

Dylan will return in a chapter or two for those of you who miss the male lead.

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