Chapter 2- Blue and Yellow

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3100 BCE

Pink Damond's pov-
"I think she should be able to keep the pet." Blue narrows her eyes at her fellow diamond.
"Blue, be rational! That's a human! They have no use and Pink has a zoo full of them! She doesn't need anymore!" Yellow pinches the bridge of her nose in frustration.
"Blue, Yellow.... for starters, I'm not keeping this human as a pet, I plan to raise her. Think of it as... an experiment I guess?" I choose my words carefully, trying to keep my own temper under control.
Yellow caves in finally "fine. You may keep the human as long as you take care of it. It is to NOT disrupt our work. Remember Pink, this is YOUR decision, therefore the human is YOUR problem." Blue smiles at Yellow before turning to me "did you hear that Pink? You get to keep the Y/n!"
I smile in excitement, restraining myself from hugging my fellow diamonds. "Thank you. I'll make reports on the project every so often to give you an update!" Blue lets out a soft laugh as I take off, my child in hand. "You can stay! How exciting is that, Y/n?"
"I get to stay with mom!" I tilt my head in confusion as the child seems to become flustered at her own wording.
"I believe the word 'mom' derives from another human word known as 'mother'. I believe it's a term of close endearment. She likes you, my Diamond." A small grin appears on Pearl's face as my eyes go starry.
"Yes! I can be your mother if you wish! And you can be..." I pause to try and remember the human term.

" daughter!"

An Artificial Diamond - Steven Universe Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now