Chapter 37 - Her Son

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1996 CE

"Greg Universe?"
"Yes! That's what this human calls himself! Isn't that cool?" Rose smiles ear to ear as she awaits a response.
"I suppose so... but mom, how did you meet this man?"
Y/n is suddenly taken by the hands as the two sit down in the sand as Rose begins to tell her daughter of 'Greg'.

A lot had changed within a couple of years, Y/n had finally mastered shapeshifting to a point where she can look seme human in height and skin tone, although she found that no matter how hard she tried, her skin would always carry a red undertone.
Peach and Dot rarely spend time apart and converse on a regular basis with Garnet as Tourmaline. The fusions have become quite close to say the least.

Everything seemed perfect. Different from before, but as perfect as things could be laying low on Earth.


2001 CE

Rose had left the gems behind in favor of having a child with Greg. For this child to be born, Rose would have to give up her physical form.

Y/n couldn't contemplate why her mother wanted to leave again. Why did she want to run? Why couldn't she just live the life she had with us? The life she fought for?

Despite these thoughts, Y/n never harbored hate towards her little brother. Looking down at the bundle of blanket and flesh in her arms, she smiles lightly.

"Hello Steven I'm your sister, Y/n. I was once human too, can you believe it?"
The infant babbles in response, trying his best to interpret what the girl is saying.

"Your life is going to be interesting, I can tell. But don't worry, I'll be here to help you along the way. We all will.

And I know one day, you'll find your place, as will I."

An Artificial Diamond - Steven Universe Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now