Chapter 33 - Red or Pink? and Splitting Relationships

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Your POV-

"Red, you must understand... your gems need you. You cannot, under ANY circumstances stand down. You are a diamond and you should start acting like one!" Blue narrows her eyes as I clutch my hands into fists in frustration.
"Yes, I AM a diamond! But MAYBE I don't want to be! I never wanted an army! I never wanted this responsibility!"
"Red!" Yellow raises her voice in a rage, "You know to never speak to us like that! We taught you better than this! We taught you how to rule, we taught you how to BE a diamond! I don't see the issue here. You were gifted this second chance by White HERSELF and you will be GRATEFUL for every moment of life you live by serving as a strong and dependable leader to the gems you create and lead!"

"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" Clawing at my red locks, little bits of my fire-like aura appear around my body.
"All I wanted was to be treated as an EQUAL! As my own PERSON! My whole life I've either been treated as a child, some type of pet or a goddess! There is NO in between and I'm sick of it!"

"Pink! We've talked about this! We care for you, but at the same time you need space to gro-" Blue's eyes widen as she realizes her mistake.
"Blue..." Yellow trails off, the three pearls stay silent on each end of the call, feeling the tension rise as the seconds go on.

"See, this proves my point! I get it now! I'M the only thing left of my mother so I must be her REPLACEMENT. I'm not my own person, I'm Pink 2.0! Your BACK UP PLAN FOR WHEN THINGS WENT SOUTH!" Tears pool down my face and around my tight, forced smile.

"Red! You know that I didn't mean it, I-"

"If you want me to be like her so much then your wish is MY command! Pearl, end the call now."

3rd person POV-

"Y-yes, my Diamond", the peach tinted gem disconnects the call in mild shock, almost scared of Y/n's outburst. Yet, something inside her agreed with her Diamond's rage, she felt as  if perhaps this hierarchy set up by White Diamond thousands of millennia ago was unfair. Perhaps the standards that had been set were unfair. But perhaps... Peach Pearl and her Diamond could help change that for everyone...

Perhaps the ideal of the Crystal Gems wasn't as crazy as Peach orginally thought.

An Artificial Diamond - Steven Universe Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now