Chapter 32 - The Colonization of Mars and Family Issues

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Your POV-

The world has changed drastically since my last visit, not that it hasn't stopped changing of course. My original people have been wiped out for years as I've discovered from my third revisit to my home planet. Blue and Yellow have gotten pushy as of late, nudging me to pick a colony and move through the process as quickly as possible.

After a long slot of bickering and berating, I reluctantly picked Mars.

Just like Earth, this planet has an iron core and has a crust made largely of basalt.

You could call me homesick, but who wouldn't be after voyaging around the galaxy for years? Sure, Homeworld is great, I mostly grew up there after all - but Earth... just feels so open and welcoming. Feeling the Sun beat down on my face is something I've been recently yearning for, hence my extensive amount of secret trips there.

The Crystal Gems feel like a second family to me, teaching me how to control my powers and giving me advice. Despite being very cautious to begin with, of course. Technically, I am their 'enemy' after all.

"My Diamond, you have a call incoming, it's from the Crystal Gem base." My Pearl breaks me from my trance. I clear my throat before readjusting myself in my newly constructed crimson throne-like chair.

"Right, please connect the call."

"Y/n, how are you doing?" My mother's soft voice rings through the transmitter.

"I'm doing okay, my first batch of quartz are just about ready to emerge, who knows, maybe some new Crystal Gem members will be born." I laugh half heartly. "Yellow, White and Blue have been as absent as ever, it's really pushing my buttons" I sigh, thinking back to how both gems as soon as I took on a colony, seemed to vanish from existence, only ever calling once every hundred years to check on my gem production, White only every five hundred.

Every other time I contact them, they cut me off. The few times all four of us had been on Homeworld together in the last millennia ended with myself being thrown into my tower room and locked in the dark for stars knows how long. They considered it a 'punishment' for acting out of line, after all, I 'am' a diamond now.

The disguised diamond sighs, knowing first-hand how it feels to be ignored by those three.
"Just know, if you're ever feeling down, that I'm here for you. The Crystal Gems are here for you, right here on Earth."

I cast my scarlet eyes down to my fingers in which drum against the stone armrest.
"Right, thank mom... I love you."

"I love you too, my little Y/n. Remember that."

An Artificial Diamond - Steven Universe Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now