Chapter 20 - Era 2 - The Red Era

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Third person pov-

The peach colored pearl stepped forward, the satin curtains brushing her shouldlers as she nerviously pushes through. Taking a shakey breath, she positioned her arms in the diamond salute, ignoring the glances of confusion being sent her way by various gems of different ranks. Although still new to this, just like her diamond, her voice was surprisingly confident sounding.
"Introducing, for the first time in many, MANY thousands of years, a new diamond - the radiant, the divine... Red Diamond!"

Gasps and murmurs were heard as questioning yet excited looking glances were shot around. Suddenly, the beautiful woman of crimson hue steps in, all eyes are drawn to her, she's everything the peach gem had said of her and more. Her palms, her left was pointed to the floor as her corresponding arm extended down her side, her right palm was raised to the sky, her arm bending to let her hand sit at her own eye level. Her face is stern and her eyes point forward, although if you were to know her prior to this, you could tell she was nervous, as the other diamonds did as well as her own pearl. Walking towards the pink throne in front of her, she sat, her pearl quickly following and standing to her right. Small smiles formed one the faces of Blue and Yellow Diamond as they both let out quiet sighs of relief, realizing how well the once human, now gem had handled such a nerve racking situation.

"Welcome, everyone - to the formal begining of Era 2!" White pearl speaks, her plastic smile never failing as she looked over the small sea of gems from the highest point in the room.

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