Chapter 14 - Excitement for a Reunion

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Your pov-
White's pale face contorts into a pleased look as she sees the realization plastered on my own.

"Red, you are a diamond now. You'll be treated like one and will eventually run your own colony. In fact, I've even picked one out for you for when you are ready." I shake my head at the thought of being showered with all these responsibilities so quickly.

"White... I'm not fit for this! I'm not a diamond! I don't even know what powers I have if any!"

"Oh Sunlight, I thought I wouldn't have to tell you this again, I thought you'd remember. All gems emerge knowing their purpose, their powers, etcetera. You are no different, you just have to figure yourself out and you'll be more than ready for a colony, an army... the place as a diamond."

I nod, sighing. Although I still have tons of questions, I know I shouldn't agitate White. She has dozens of her own colonies and doesn't need to be held up.

"Before I forget... Red, you will be led by your pearl to an empty room in my quarters. You'll get yourself ready for a ball I have planed."

I cock my head in confusion, since when does White throw parties?! I thought that was mo- Pink's thing!

"I know, a little odd, huh? Me, throwing a ball... but it's for a good cause. The birth of a new diamond is something not even my important work can keep me from. That, and as a diamond, you'll need to see the other diamond's as well."

I froze for a second before smiling. I can't wait to see Blue and Yellow after so long!

Hey guys! Consider dropping me a coffee on my Ko-fi! every bit helps me put out more of these stories :)

An Artificial Diamond - Steven Universe Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now