Chapter 3 - Yellow

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10 years later - Y/n's age - 15

Your pov-
Mom has been very distant lately as she's busy with her my down time I would play with the amethyst soldiers who guarded the human zoo. They are quite the bunch, to me they feel like big sisters. The humans within the zoo are nice as well...they just seem- how do I put this?...

Simple minded.

I suppose it isn't their fault though, the zoo is all they've ever known. Making my way past some passing agates, I place my hand upon the identification sensor on the wall. The doors slide open as I walked into Yellow's room.

"My Diamond! Y/n has arrived." Yellow pearl calls out. "Does she have the reports?" The tall woman spoke, keeping her eyes on her own reports.
I smile and look up at the large yellow rock I consider family. "Yes, I have."
Yellow turns to face me, she seems shocked, I smile wider at this. "I sent them over a little bit ago, I came to inform you." Yellow quickly checks to see if I'm telling the truth. She studies the document for a few seconds before smiling ever so slightly. These reports are decent...Y/n, come here." Yellow reaches her hand down for me to walk on. I step on as she lifts my small form up to her face, resting me on her shoulder. "Y/n, I'm proud of your work, it's exceptional for an organic, especially one of your age. Although..." for the next few hours, the tall woman tutored me on how to perfect my reports in the eyes of homeworld. I personally don't mind criticism from a higher up. If it's constructive at least.

An Artificial Diamond - Steven Universe Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now