Chapter 19 - White Diamond's Ball

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Third person pov-

Gems of all types, ranging from sapphires to ambers, amythests to rubies gathered in orderly groups, parting to each side of the massive room to create a path from the large enterace covered with translucent satin curtains to the large thrones made specifically for the original diamond authority as shown by their colours. White pearl stands upon the pure white throne, obviously standing in for White as she is too caught up in her work to attend her

Blue's pearl walks through the curtains as the crowd's chatter turns to quiet murmurs.
"May I present to you, the luminous Blue Diamond!" As the thin blue gem salutes, every other gem follows suit, welcoming the grand and beautiful woman who steps through the curtains and poses similarly to that on her mural before making her way to her throne and taking a seat.

Your pov-

Butterflies start to whizz around my stomach, making me almost want to throw up. Yellow seemed to notice this as she spoke up. "Y/-Red.... everything will be fine. As White said, you're a diamond. They'll love you, they all will." I smile up at her weakly as shd smiles lightly back.
"-The wonderful, lustrous... Yellow Diamond!" Proclaims a thin yellow gem.
"I need to go, Blue and I will see you out there. Just keep your head high and everything will fall into line." My other aunt figure walks out, striking a similar pose to her own mural and goes to sit down.
"Everything will be fine, My Diamond. Once I introduce you and you walk in, they'll all be struck with wonder and awe! You are quite beautiful after all." Peach smiles as my cheeks heat up, overwhelmed by her compliments. "Thank you, Peach. That means a lot."

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