Chapter 24 - Decision Impending

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Your pov-

Sighing internally, I make my final decision. "I think I need some time to think over everything..."
"Of course, it is a big decision after all, just keep what we've talked about today in mind, it will most definitely help in the near future." Yellow reassures me with a nod.
"White, what if we were to let Red go see the potential colonies for herself, or at least travel to a few of ours to get a feel of things. That way, when she returns, she'll be more confident in her decision." White raises an eyebrow at Blue's idea. "I suppose she could... she has been sitting in her gem for millennia... and it might strengthen her understanding of the construction of a, I'll allow it. Sunlight, I will allow you one full Earth year to explore and take notes of whichever of our colonies you wish. Before entering the atmosphere of a planet, your pearl is to contact the agate on duty and state the time it will take to safely land. The agate will tell you where to land and from there, you may start to take notes."
I go to thank her but am quickly cut off by Yellow.
"Remember to keep a log on times and dates, keep us updated when you can."
"I will, but-"
Blue cuts me off this time, "you can choose one of my ships to travel in as you don't have you're own yet."
"I don't know if I'll be able to do thi-"
White is the one to butt in this time, "You're a diamond, Red. You'll do fine."
"What if I get lost?" The familiar feeling of nervousness bubbles in my stomach for the tenth time today.
"There's a navigational system built into every ship under our authority. Hm... but if all contact is lost, I suppose a back up should be available." Yellow quickly calls in her pearl. "Pearl, organize for one of my top peridots to construct an extra diamond communicator. I want it done as quickly as possible." Yellow pearl nods and salutes Yellow before making a quick call to who I'd assume would be one of Yellow's peridots.

Hey guys! Consider dropping me a coffee on my Ko-fi! every bit helps me put out more of these stories :)

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