Chapter 12 - White...

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Your pov-

Shakily following Peach Pearl's instructions, I make it to White diamond's room. If I want to know what happened to me, it's best to question her anyway.

Just as I was about to reach to open the door, Peach did it for me.
"I'll do this type of stuff for you, my diamond. Just say the word next time."
Still caught in my own thoughts and feelings over this situation I mutter a quick thank you before stepping in.

"Oh little Red, it's good to see you. How are you finding your new pearl?"
Was she referring to Peach?
"Yes, she is quite lovely, but that's not the reason I agreed to come here! I want answers!" My voice shakes a little, realizing I had raised my voice at the White Diamond.
She looks down at me, her permanent smile faultering ever so slightly. "Red, do you not understand what I've done for you? I made you flawless, a diamond. As I said many centuries ago, when you were done being human, I'd make you perfect."
"W-wait...many centuries? How long was I out?"
"It's been 2,959 years, I was frustrated you wouldn't emerge sooner, so I made a pearl to watch over you. You may keep her as a gift from me to you."
"2,959 YEARS?! W-what happened in that time? I-I appreciate the pearl but I need to cut this conversation short, White. I'm sorry, I need to see Pink-"
"Oh Sunlight, I'm so sorry. Pink was shattered long ago."

Hey guys! Consider dropping me a coffee on my Ko-fi! every bit helps me put out more of these stories :)

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