:Part Four:

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third person pov

"I'm late, I'm late, I'm so late!" (F/n) mumbled to herself as she ran through the halls of U.A.

Her alarm hadn't gone off in that morning and she overslept. No one was home to give her a ride or wake her up so she was left to her own devices. Plus a small crowd was slightly in her way as they crowed around the school. (F/n) ignored them.

Being tired and a little out of it, (F/n) ran straight into another person. The impact knocked her to the ground and made the other person stumble in their place.

"Hey! Watch it would ya?" The voice scolded. He looked down to see (F/n) angrily sprawled out on the floor

"Sorry. Today hasn't been the best day for me so far." (F/n) sat up and got off the ground. "What's your name? I don't think I've seen you before."

The purple haired boy hesitantly answered, knowing very well that this girl was in 1-A. "Hitoshi Shinso....you are?"

"(F/n) (L/n). I've got to go! See you around!" (F/n) gave Shinso a small smile before running off into her classroom.

She took her seat and was questioned by Bakugo. She sighed and slouched in her seat happy she wasn't late. Aizawa walked in a few minutes later, ready to start class.

"Good morning, today we will be doing something a little important." Aizawa started.

"Does this have to do something about the press!" Iida questioned from the back. (F/n) had a confused look on her face.

"No, the press is being taken care of by Mic and Midnight." Aizawa responded. "What we will be doing is choosing a class representative."

The class was quiet for a few seconds but then exploded in to excitement. Students started yelling their own names to be picked for class rep. (F/n) was too tired to do so.

"Wait! What we should do is take a vote to see who is best suited for class rep! Is that ok Aizawa Sensei?" Iida asked.

"Whatever just get this over with before I wake up." With that Aizawa sank to the floor and started to sleep.

With Iida in command we started the vote. (F/n) voted for Iida, thinking he was the best option for class rep because of his mature attitude. The votes were counted. Midoriya received three, Yaoyorozu with two, Iida with one, and everyone else with one or zero.

"It's settled then! Midoriya is class rep, Yaoyorozu is vice class rep!" Iida announced. "Is that alright Aizawa Sensei?"

Aizawa woke from his nap. "That's fine. In the mean time before lunch think about what you will being doing for your first day if hero training."

There were a few excited murmurs throughout the room. Kirishima raised his hand. "What will the training be about?"

"Today's training will be rescue training. We will take a bus over to the USJ where All Might, Thirteen, and I will be teaching your lesson." Aizawa explained.

"What about hero costumes?" Yaoyorozu questioned.

"As for your costumes you will get them after lunch before we take the bus." Aizawa summed up. "Now strategize."

Students immediately gathered into groups to talk about what ideas they had for the rescue training. (F/n) wasn't sure how her quirk would be useful so she decided to ask the best person she knew about these things.

"Hey Izu!" (F/n) called for Midoriya who turned his attention form Todoroki to (F/n) who was now approaching him.

"Y-yes?" Midoriya stuttered.

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