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Song: Red Dress by Magic!
for future reference all endings take place after the last chapter of the actual story (obviously) and unless said otherwise the injuries in the first ending apply to all the others

••••••*ART UPDATE*Song: Red Dress by Magic!for future reference all endings take place after the last chapter of the actual story (obviously) and unless said otherwise the injuries in the first ending apply to all the others ••••••

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school sucks anyway enjoy thx for more patience
first person pov

"Bruh this homework sucks ASS." I screamed as I threw my pencil across the room.

"Suck it up!" Katsuki frowned. "You need to pass your classes and to do that you have to do makeup work."

"Stupid Nomu....hospitalizing me n shit." I grumbled.

Katsuki rolled his eyes, "You did that to yourself dumbass."


He rolled his eyes again. "You're just as bad as those other idiots."

"We all know you secretly love them. Otherwise you wouldn't help them with schoolwork.


"Whatever you say~" I taunted. "Well I'm hungry so I'm getting food."

"We've done one worksheet." Katsuki pointed out.

"Don't speak. Take me out for food." I didn't want to hear about the other things I'd have to do later.

"What is this? A date?" Katsuki let out a scoff that sounded more like a laugh.

"If you want it to be." I gave him cringy finger guns making him scrunch his nose.

"Let's just go."



Our bitch asses pulled up to the nearest fast food place because I was starving and demanded food. I made Katsuki pay because I a broke bitch.

We sat a booth in the restaurant and began to eat our very unhealthy food. "GOD I didn't realize how hungry I was."

Katsuki shook his head. "You're so over dramatic."

I paused and stared at him. "Really?"


"I'm over dramatic?" I scoffed. "Says the boy who wants his hero name to be King Explosion Murder."

[Completed]  Troubles! (Bnha Various x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now