✧₊⁺˳✧༚ Shoto ˚✧₊⁺˳✧

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k so i'm rly bored with this book now lmao and i've fallen out of my mha phase so this will be the last chapter. i love the characters from the anime i just got annoyed with the storyline ig and fell out. if u would like me to write another self insert for mha let me know bc i did enjoy it but i would just do things differently. this is the last ending bc it's the only one i could get motivation to finish so i hope u enjoy and let me know what else u would like to see from me in other fandoms as well :)

 this is the last ending bc it's the only one i could get motivation to finish so i hope u enjoy and let me know what else u would like to see from me in other fandoms as well :)

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first person pov

continued from chapter thirty....

Suddenly, I was knocked to the ground. My back landed roughly on the cold ground, making me hiss in pain. I looked up to see Shoto shielding me. I followed his gaze to see Toga retracting one of her odd needle weapons.

"Damn it," she smiled. "So close."

Shoto helped me up while he kept his eyes on Toga. "You alright?"

I positioned myself in a fighting stance, "Yup. Let's do this."

"Awe common! Just a little bit of their blood would make me soooo happy!" Toga pouted.

"Enough games!" Shoto shot a string of ice in her direction. I followed his lead and sent out a wave of water, successfully knocking Toga off balance.

She recovered quickly; she sprinted in our direction, creating a zig-zag path to avoid our attacks. Toga reached me at an unnatural speed. She lunged, attempting to impale me with her knife. Before she could do so, Shoto rammed his foot into her ribs, causing her to go flying. She rolled on the ground but once again recovered.

"That hurt!" She hissed. She launched her needle towards the both of us. We separated, allowing the needle to go between us. Before we could regroup, a wall of blue fire separated us. I only saw a glimpse of Toga hurling herself towards Shoto before my view was covered by the flames.

I followed the trail back to Dabi who's ice blue eyes bore into mine. I huffed in annoyance at his presence. Without a word, he blasted another set of flame at me which I narrowly dodged. He immediately sent out another attack. I formed a wall of water around myself to shield my body from the heat. The sizzle of the fire hitting my water informed me of my success.

I pushed the water wall towards Dabi. He didn't even bother to dodge as it engulfed him. When the water retreated, there was nothing to show for Dabi's former presence besides the the lingering first attack. Annoyed with Dabi's retreat I moved my focus to removing his flames.

The fires faded with my water attack. They revealed Shoto who was on the ground, breathing heavily. He held his right shoulder which was obviously injured. Toga wasn't in sight so I rushed to his aid with a gasp.

"Are you alright?" I helped him sit up.

"Yes, I'm- Look out!" His eyed widened as his gaze shifted to behind me.

I turned around, only to be greeted with a blow to the forehead from the butt of Toga's knife. My world swirled into darkness as my consciousness faded.

My ears roared while my head ached. I could feel my limp body being slightly bounced around in beat with the sound of running. I allowed my eyes to squint open to take in my surroundings. I was greeted by Shoto's jawline as he ran through what appeared to be a forest.

I tightened my grip around his neck as I gained back more of my consciousness. He noticed my movement and looked down at me while he continued to run.

Shoto smiled at me, "You're safe now. I'm getting us to safety. Go back to sleep."

I listened.

When I woke up, I attempted to rub away the tiredness in my eyes. Unfortunately, I was unable to move my arms. I forced my eyes open in confusion. There wasn't a single source of light. Darkness consumed the area around me. I could feel restraints on my wrist and ankles. Immediately I assumed the worst. I could feel my anxiety start to take over as I tired to make out anything in the dark around me.

Suddenly, the sound of creaking made me freeze. I could hear the tap of shoes against stone come closer. Light engulfed the room with a click, making me squint. I opened my eyes; my heart dropped.

"You're awake!"

The room was pale and cold. A faded wooden door with chipped green paint stood opposite of me. I looked down at myself to see my wrist and ankles bound with zip ties to the arms and legs of a wood chair. In the center of the room was a single light bulb that hung from a wire. Below that bulb stood a smiling villain who was satisfied with her work.

"I'm so glad you're here. Now we can be together forever."

word count: 845

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