:Part Sixteen:

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Long fucking chapter ahead (*'◒'*)

•••••••first person pov•Mina Ashido••••••

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•first person pov•
Mina Ashido

I waited impatiently for them to come into the classroom. I was pissed. I saw a post by Kaminari on Insta about having a sleepover with [L/n] and the Baku-Squad Friday. It's already been two days since I haven't been able to confront them.

I was afraid they tried to pull some shit without warning. Look I liked this girl a lot and I didn't want to see her taken away so soon.

I spotted them coming into the classroom and I dragged them all back out. "Mina what the hell!?" Kiri questioned.

"Get the hell off, Pinky," Bakugo sneered. I ignored him.

"What did you guys do?" I asked bluntly. "You better not have pulled anything on [L/n] or I will burn your eyes out."

"Yandere much..." Kaminari muttered. I glared at him.

"How'd you find out about the sleepover anyway?" Sero asked.

Kaminari slowly started to back away towards the door. The other three looked over at him and sent glares.


"YOU EXPOSED US!?" They yelled.


"AH HA! So you did do something!" I pointed at them. "What did you do to my precious?"

"Your precious!?" Bakugo had a terrifying frown on his face. "Who the hell-"

Kiri calmed him down, looking very annoyed and sighed. "We didn't do anything. We were mostly forced to stay the night because of the storm."

"Why was it dark in the picture?" I instigated.

"The power went out."

"Why were you all sleeping together?"


They went silent and stared behind me. I turned around slowly to be greeted with Aizawa.

"Ahhhh Aizawa Sensei.....what are you doing here!?" I said nervously.

"I'm not even going to ask." He sighed. "Get to class."

"Yes sir!"

•first person pov•

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