:Part Five:

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third person pov

"Hello students!" Thirteen announced. "Welcome to the USJ where you will be performing you first hero training course!"

"As planned this will be rescue training." Aizawa stepped in. "There are many different sectors where we will do the training. Every good hero must be able to operate in different situations and know their strengths and weaknesses."

Suddenly the lights flickered off in the entire building. Everyone was quickly put in edge. A purple mist appeared down the steps in front of the fountain that was no longer working.

"Has the training started?" Kirishima questioned. A few students took a step forward.

"Stay back!" Aizawa yelled and stepped in front of them. People started to make their way out of the mist. "These are real villains."

The students immediately stepped back. "How did they get in here?" (F/n) questioned.

"Isn't this place rigged with alarms? They should be going off." Sero pointed out.

"Someone must have a quirk that's cutting off our electricity and communication." Todoroki guessed.

"That is most likely." Aizawa agreed. "Kaminari try to use your quirk to get in touch with the school."

Said blonde nodded and got to work. A man with scraggly baby blue hair stepped out of the mist. His body was covered in disembodied hands. Next to him was a horrific monster with an exposed brain. The mist then formed into a humanoid shape, yellow eyes glared up at the students.

"Thirteen protect the students while I take care of the villains." Aizawa instructed. His scarf floated around him and he put on his goggles.

"Aizawa Sensei your style of fighting isn't best suited for this type of situation!" Midoriya hesitantly pointed out.

"You aren't a pro if you don't have more than one trick." With that, Aizawa took of down the flight of steps and was erasing quirks left and right.

"Alright students! Make your way to the exit!" Thirteen instructed, leading the way. They did as Thirteen said.

Their run was cut short when the mist villain appeared in front of them. "I can't allow you to escape, sorry."

"Begone villain!" Thirteen aimed their finger towards the villain to use their quirk.

(Begone THOT)

Bakugo and Kirishima suddenly pounced forward and attacked the villain. Bakugo screamed at the villain with all his might. "DIE!!"

"No! Get back!" Thirteen shouted. The villain engulfed everyone.

Wind ripped threw the group, separating them all. (F/n) suddenly found herself falling out of the air. Down below was a pool of water.


She thought to herself. She got into a diving position, slid her goggles over her eyes and landed in the water with a splash. She looked around as she held her breath.

She immediately spotted Tsu who was only a few feet away. Tsu saw her as well and joined her side.

Tsu's eyes went wide and she pointed behind (F/n). (F/n) turned to see Midoriya. Suddenly a villain with a shark like head swam towards Midoriya, ready to attack.

Tsu nodded to (F/n). (F/n) used her quirk to push Tsu towards the villain with a current of water. Tsu hit him directly in the face. (F/n) saw a smaller figure behind Midoriya. She soon recognized it to be Mineta. She swam over and scooped him up and Tsu pulled her out of the water with her tongue and onto a boat. (F/n) set down Mineta.

[Completed]  Troubles! (Bnha Various x Female!Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora