:Part Thirteen:

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Song: Just My Type by The Vamps
We going to skip the rest of the sports festival bc it was taking too long ;-; I'm sorry
•first person pov•

"Hey! Hey Shinso wait up!" I called out to the purple haired friend.

"Oh hey [L/n]." He greeted, turning around to face me instead of continuing his walk forward into the school.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about the Sports Festival." I said.

"About my quirk I'm assuming." Shinso smirked. We continued to walk side by side onto the school.

"Heh yes actually." I admitted shyly. "I just thought your quirk was super cool! I don't understand what you meant when you said it wasn't suited for a hero."

"Ah well I was always feared in middle school." Shinso informed. "I was told my quirk was meant for a villain."

"But after the Sports Festival I've had more and more people ask about my quirk and compliment it. It's a nice change of pace."

"Oh wow. Well I agree with those many people." I smiled. We stopped walking right outside my classroom.

"Well thank you for that." He said, giving me a smile as well. "I'll see you around [L/n]."

"Yeah I'll see ya! Hey maybe we could eat lunch together today?" I suggested last minute.

Shinso blushed with a sweet smile on his face. "I'd like that. Um bye...now...I guess."

I waved goodbye as he walked down the hall to his class. I turned to the door and opened it to come face to face with an angry Katsuki.

"Who the hell is the edgy teletubie?" He demanded.

"Uh good morning?" I greeted awkwardly. "Were you spying on me?"

Katsuki blushed but covered it up with a scoff. "As if! Only Deku would do that with his creepy stalker notebook."

I walked past him into the classroom and took my seat, he followed. "For the last time Katsuki it's just him taking notes on those who he looks up to. He's not a stalker."

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes and took his seat next to mine. "You never answered my question. Who was that guy? Didn't he fight Deku?"

"It was just Shinso and yes he did." I answered, bored with the whole run through of Katsuki once again interrogating me.

Katsuki angrily hummed in response. He turned to face forward with an expression of pure and utter rage. I, surprised at Katsuki for not questioning me more, turned forward.

Word count: 420 ;)

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