Meeting Nemesis

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It had been months since Ryoba Aishi's death, and Tatsui Aishi was making sure that he would not only be able to support his only daughter, but to make sure that she would never turn out like Ryoba.

"Ayano-Chan." Once when it had been Ryoba's job to tuck Ayano to bed, it now fell on Tatsui to do so. "What did your... Mother say about your emotions?"

"That it's not strange for me to not have emotions," Ayano said, "She said that I'll have emotions once I found that special someone. And when I do, I have to make sure that I have to do everything in my power to keep him as mine."

Tatsui flinched, tensing but gradually relaxed himself less he frightened off Ayano. Ayano simply looked up at him, curious of his angry expression but said nothing.

"Ayano..." Tatsui took a deep breath, placing a hand on her shoulder. "What your Mother said... Is wrong."

"...Mother's wrong?"

"Yes, your Mother was wrong." Tatsui explained, "Maybe one day you'll find that special someone that will make you feel things like you can't now, and I know that you'll want to... Keep him forever under your hold, but no matter what... You must not."

Ayano blinked. "Why not?"

"Because it's not right Ayano, it's not fair to him." Ayano looked up at her Father, still confused. Tatsui took a small breath and hugged her tightly. "Wouldn't you rather have that special someone love you back because he likes you as you?"

"...Yeah... That sounds really nice."

"Then when you do find that special someone, you must try to win him over." Tatsui smiled, feeling as if he was reversing all of Ryoba's teaching. "Introduce yourself, be nice, but do not force yourself on him."

Ayano nodded.

And so went on their ritual every night. Tatsui telling Ayano that whatever Ryoba said was wrong, and telling her the right way to love someone. And each time Ayano listened, agreeing with her Father's words but really...

She didn't really care.

Maybe because she was not at the age to really like someone, or because she was just tired when they had these talks, but her Father's words always lurked in the back of her mind, slowly overtaking her Mother's words.

Then one day, it was time for Tatsui to return to work.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay sweetie?" Tatsui fretted, kneeling down to Ayano's eyes as he placed a firm hand on her shoulders.

"You have to go back to work sooner or later Papa..." Ayano deadpanned. "You bought a lot of food for my lunch, and I can take care of myself just fine. Don't worry about me Papa, just go to work."

"Of course I'm going to worry sweetie," Tatsui sighed. "This is going to be your first time alone... I just... Are you sure you're going to be fine by yourself?"

"Yes Papa."

"I have my phone number written on the fridge if you ever need something, even if you're lonely! You know where the phone is right?"

"Yes Papa-"

"Is the phone too high? Maybe I should set it where you can reach it easily... A stool should be okay, but what if you fell? You might bump your head!"


"Maybe I shouldn't go to work today-"

"Papa just go!"

Slightly annoyed, Ayano pushed her Father out of the house, her puffed cheeks red from pushing someone much bigger out of the door.

"Ayano-Chan are you sure?!"

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