Baby Pictures

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Today was Tatsui's day off, and it was also today that Ayano was going to the movies with Nemesis and Oko to watch Go Go Ninjas the movie. 

Tatsui had decided that it was time to clean up the house again while Ayano was gone. It had been a long while since he had actually cleaned the house, which had been days after Ryoba's death where Tatsui had tried to erase any existence of her from the house. Getting rid of every little single thing that reminded Tatsui of her, especially those knives... 

Since then, Ayano had taken up to cleaning around the house. However, there was only so much a 4-year old could do, and reaching high places was one of the things she couldn't do. 

Yoshiya had volunteered to help him, after a terrible flirt line from the dark-haired man, but Tatsui had refused. He wanted to do it himself, and Tatsui didn't want to scare Yoshiya off if by any chance that Tatsui had missed one of Ryoba's things that could scar the poor man... 

"Thank you for taking Ayano again today, Yoshiya." Tatsui said gratefully, bowing his head to the taller man who was carrying a frowning Ayano in his arms. "Haha, I really should pay you for taking care of Ayano for me!"

Yoshiya waved off his joking offer, smiling back as he held onto Ayano tighter, who squirmed to get down. "It's really no problem Tatsui. Ayano has to be one of the most well-behaved child I have ever seen. But... I wouldn't mind another way of payment..."

Tatsui huffed and leaned back when Yoshiya tried to get in close to his personal space, trying to swoop in for a kiss. "Sorry Yoshiya, but I'm really not interested."

"Oh, I know." Yoshiya smirked, leaning back. " It's just fun to see your face get flustered."

With another huff, Tatsui shooed Yoshiya away. The older man laughed, but Ayano still looked quite grumpy. 

"I want to stay with Papa today..." Ayano grumbled, crossing her small arms, clutching the small lynx plushy as she glared at Tatsui. "Why can't I stay with you today?"

"Sorry sweetie," Tatsui apologized, kissing Ayano's forehead and swatting away Yoshiya when he tried to cop in another feel. "But you're going to the movies with Nemesis and Oko today, aren't you? You should go play with your friends and leave the cleaning to me. It's about time I do some cleaning, right?"

Ayano whined. "But it's Go Go Ninja! I don't want to watch Go Go Ninja again. Nemesis is making me wear that stupid mask too..."

Tatsui and Yoshiya laughed at Ayanos' pouting face. Something that she tended to do when dealing with Nemesis these days. 

Standing just behind the gate, Tatsui watched as Yoshiya helped Ayano settle in the car next to a very excited Nemesis, practically bouncing in his seat bothering Oko and Ayano. Ayano then looked over to Tatsui and gave him teary eyes, practically begging him to get her out. But Tatsui just waved at his daughter, not at all sorry as Tsumura waved goodbye to Tatsui and drove off towards the movie theater with Yoshiya at the passenger seat. 

Watching them all disappear around the block, Tatsui returned back inside and readied himself to clean.

Pulling on an apron, a dark blue apron with a teddy bear face sewn to the side thanks to Tsumura, tying back his hair into a short ponytail, and pulling on some cleaning gloves, he got ready. 

For the next hour or so he had cleaned without a break. As he thought, there had been lots of dust building up in the high places that Ayano couldn't reach. But other than that, he didn't find anything that made him worry. He had cleaned this place thoroughly, no items of Ryoba left behind. 

None of her clothes, her favorite comforters, her makeup and other toiletries, those knives...

Wiping the sweat off his forehead with his arm, Tatsui went to put away the mop, having now finished polishing the floors until he could see his own reflection. But there had been a wet spot on the floor that he didn't see and promptly slipped, falling back and crashing into the wall, which then promptly broke in impact making him fall back even further. 

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