Saikou Party

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It was the same time of year again when the anticipated party invitations were sent out to the employees of the Saikou Corporation for the annual party. And from what Tatsui heard from around the office, almost everyone was going to go to the party, not wanting to miss out the grand buffet made by the most skilled of chefs, mingling and making connections with the higher ups, and especially at the rare chance of seeing the CEO of the Saikou Corporation. 

However, Tatsui didn't need the glint of Ryoba's knife to know that he wasn't going. 

Tatsui just wasn't interested in going to the corporate party, rather wanting to stay the night with Ayano and watching Disney movies with her or whatever children-family movies were popular these days. 

Tsumura, however, had different ideas. 

"Tatsui, I think you should go." Tsumura encouraged. 

Tatsui looked to Tsumura with surprise, nearly choking on his tea. When he wasn't at risk at choking, he frowned. "You... Want me to go? Why?"

"Well, Tatsui we've all noticed that you rather work a lot. That or you stay home with Ayano." Tsumura said, a hand on her hip. "The only time you're willing to go out is to the park with Ayano, or go to the grocery store for food, and that's all. You don't go out for yourself, personally."

Tatsui was staring at Tsumura blankly, still not understanding. 

"She's saying that you need to have fun. Both you and Kasumi." Yoshiya said bluntly, having decided to stay overnight in Tatsui's house again. He had just woken up, his brown hair in disarray and he hadn't noticed that he had buttoned his shirt wrong. 

Kasumi squeaked. "W-Why are you bringing me into this?!"

"Well, Yoshiya is right." Tsumura giggled as Kasumi looked at her with betrayed eyes. "You and Tatsui barely go out for your own pleasure. I understand that you love your children to smitten, trust me I do, but it seems all you have in mind is taking care of your children and going directly to work and back each and every single day. It's about time you spice up your life!"

Kasumi and Tatsui looked at each other unsure and slightly uncomfortable. 

"You mean... Dating?" Tatsui asked uncomfortably. 

"No! I don't mean that kind of spicing your life!" Tsumura frowned. Tatsui and Kasumi gave a small sigh in relief. "I meant just- Going out and enjoying some time for yourself. Like taking a small walk for example or just window shopping by yourself? Those sort of things."

"I don't need alone time," Kasumi said firmly, huffed as she crossed her arms and packed her lunch that Tsumura had so kindly made for her. "I am currently fine with my life."

"What about you?" Tatsui narrowed his eyes at Tsumura. "While you might not have work, you do spend most of your days watching our children.

Tsumura nodded. "You're right about that, but at least I put aside a 'me time' even if it's only for an hour while the children nap. And at least I have a hobby of cooking or going out shopping with the kids, even if we're just window shopping. What hobbies do you two have?"

"I read books! W-When I have freetime..." Kasumi trailed off unsure, scrunching her brows together as she tried to think of another hobby. "And I guess... Um... Uh..."

"I watch movies." Tatsui said proudly. 

"With your daughter." Yoshiya shut him down quickly.

"W-Well I like to go walking!"

"To the grocery store or around the park, and still with your daughter." Tsumura said this time. 

"I-I.... Um..."

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