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"Geez! Of all the days to have a rainstorm, why did it have to be today?!" Nemesis whined. 

What had turned out to be a beautiful day playing in the park quickly soured when dark clouds started to roll in from out of nowhere and started pouring on the unsuspecting residents who were out enjoying the day. Two of them being Nemesis and Ayano. 

"Stupid weather!" Nemesis yelled at the sky. 

Ayano just sighed at Nemesis, but was also feeling annoyed at the weather. She was quickly becoming cold from the howling winds and the rain soaking her down to the bone. 

But that annoyance turned into confusion when she saw something moving in the alleyway. 

"Huh? Ayano come on!" Nemesis growled at Ayano when she suddenly stopped in her tracks and refused to budge, forcing Nemesis to stop too since he was holding onto her hands. "We're going to get sick out here, come on-"

"Nemesis, there's something in the alleyway."


That was all Nemesis got from Ayano before she let go of Nemesis' hand and ran into the alleyway. Nemesis stared at Ayano with wide eyes before cursing under his breath, quickly following the other. 

"Ayano!" Nemesis yelled, "Don't just run in here- Uh..."

"There was someone here." Ayano just said. 

The two stared at the adult man laying limp against the trashcan, breathing heavily as he clutched his sides tightly. It didn't escape the children's notice that there was a puddle of blood underneath him. The man was also glaring at them with dazed but wary eyes. 

Nemesis and Ayano looked at each other. 

The first thing he woke to was a cat staring down at him, mewling softly. But before he could just push it off and just go back to sleep on this comfortable couch, the second thing he saw made him stare. 

"Oh, you're awake! Thank goodness."

An angel. 

A silver-haired angel with the most beautiful voice and the most beautiful blue eyes he had ever seen. 

The beautiful woman came closer, and it took everything in him not to blush as he breathed in her scent when she came a little close. She had a smell of disinfectant that had him thinking that she worked in a hospital, but there was that nice smell of vanilla. It was such a unique smell that he couldn't help but lean in a bit, before he jumped when the silver-haired angel spoke. 

"Gure! Please don't bother him!"

The kitten mewled at the silver-haired woman as she removed the kitten and set him down to the ground. The kitten scampered away after that, mewling as it ran up the stairs. The woman huffed, then looked at him with a smile. 

"Sorry about Gure, he's such a curious little kitten. But as a nurse I should have done a better job at keeping him out, I'm not sure if you have any allergies to fur."

"I don't," He said immediately, shaking his head. "Not allergic to fur that is... You're a nurse?" He casted her a suspicious look. "And you haven't taken me to the hospital...?"

"Yes, a bit irresponsible of me..." The silver-haired woman smiled nervously, playing with her fingers. "But you look like the person who might not appreciate being in the hospital... I-I'm sorry to say- But you look like a really suspicious person!"

The woman continued looking at him worriedly while he just stared back at him with wide eyes. And unable to hold it in, he burst out into laughter, even as his sides were hurting. He had experience more worse pains than this. 

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