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Today was a slight different day. Tatsui had taken a day off of work and was fitting himself in the black suit, the same black suit he wore too Ryoba's funeral. He stared at himself in the mirror.

Looking at himself now, he saw that there was something quite different about him... Last time he had been able to fit into his suit, but now it was quite loose. Not enough to be noticeable, but he was able to button another shirt with no problem unlike last time. He supposed he lost some weight since Ryoba died, who usually dealt with all the cooking. Then he looked to Ayano, worry in his eyes.

Ayano, who was combing her hair, was wearing the same black dress she had worn for Ryoba's funeral, but much to his relief she didn't look like she lost weight. On the other hand, the sleeves looked a little tight around her shoulder. Tatsui made a note to take Ayano out shopping later to buy her new clothes.

Gently taking the comb from her hand, he sat behind her and started combing her hair for him. As he did so mechanically, he caught Ayano's eyes.

"Are you sure you want to come with me sweetie?" Tatsui asked with a small frown. "Funerals aren't that exciting. We had to go to your Mother's funeral because we had to... But the funeral we're going to, you don't know them quite as well as I do."

Ayano said nothing, but through her blank eyes he could see her think. Tatsui compared Ayano to the Ayano a few months ago, and couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised to see how much life Ayano had. Even if she acted the same as ever.

"I want to go with you Papa." Ayano said firmly.

"But are you sure?" Tatsui pressed. "You can stay here and play with Nemesis-kun."

At that, Ayano furrowed her brow and let out a small huff. Tatsui had to refrain himself from smiling as he slowly gathered up part of Ayano's hair into a side tail.

"Nemesis-kun is mad at me again... I think." Ayano huffed. "He's been ignoring me ever since I said that Yellow Go Go Ninja is better than Red and Black Go Go Ninja."

Which was true, because in her mind Yellow Go Go Ninja thought through things with logic than through emotions and feelings, like Red and Black did. Why else would they keep getting into more trouble if they kept putting their feelings first?

Tatsui had to refrain from letting out a laugh.

"Besides," Ayano turned to look at Tatsui right in the eye. "I want to go with Papa."

Inexplicably, his eyes started to mist. Bringing Ayano into a hug, he kissed her forehead, and they stayed that way for a while. It would be Ayano who would snap him out of it.

"Papa, it's almost time to go."

"Ah, right."

Wiping his eyes from tears, he stood up and gently took a hold of Ayano's hand. Leading her to the car, Tatsui opened the door for Ayano first before he took his own seat on the driver's seat. And soon, they were heading on their way to the funeral.

Meanwhile, Nemesis sulked at the window, having watch Ayano leave for the day.


"Tatsui, it's been a long time."

"Hey Hatoshi, it's been a while." The two men shook hands. "My condolences for your lost."

Hatoshi, a simple looking man with dark brown eyes and hair, smiled weakly. "Thank you Tatsui... I'm sorry I haven't been able to attend your wife's funeral. Ryoba was such a kind woman, it's a shame to see her gone."

Tatsui's smile strained at that, but he hid that quickly and looked at Ayano, who was still holding onto his hand.

"Hatoshi, this is my daughter, Ayano."

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