Go Go Ninjas and the Pretty Hitman

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It was very early in the morning, the sun slowly rising up as sunlight crept into Nemesis' room, reaching the three children sleeping on the Go Go theme bed.

Oko was curled up around his favorite stuffed animal, BunBun, while he sighed softly under his breath as he twitched, grumbling unhappily at the sunlight hitting his face and so he shifted until he turned away from the window. Ayano also curled up around the lynx plushie, her face buried in its neck as she remained oblivious to Oko's shifting in bed. And Nemesis was nearly at the edge of the bed, snoring softly with his limbs spread everywhere, his arm on top of Ayano's shoulder.

When the sunlight hit Nemesis' face, he scrunched up his face and rolled over, and fell off the bed.

Nemesis groaned, hitting the bed with a small thump. Opening his eyes blearily, he sat up and rubbed his eyes, yawning. Smacking his lips, Nemesis was about to crawl up to bed and returned to sleep until he realized what today was.

And instantly whatever drowsiness he felt disappeared as his face brightened up.

He screamed.


Jumping onto the bed, he laughed and continued jumping which promptly woke up Ayano and Oko who looked around in alarm.


Nemesis jumped down to the ground, nearly tripping over his own feet. But he didn't let that stop him as he slammed the door open and ran towards his parent's room, screaming for his Mom.

Ayano and Oko stared wide eyed at each other, before they groaned and tried falling back asleep.

It didn't work when Nemesis just jumped on them again not a few minutes later.

"We're going to see Go Go Ninjas!" Nemesis chanted for the nth time since he woke up at an ungodly time. "Go Go Ninjas! Go Go Ninjas!"

Ayano glared at Nemesis, still feeling very tired at being awaken at the God-forsaken 6 in the morning. Oko was also looked very tired, straining a smile as he nodded to whatever Nemesis was babbling about. And Tsumura, who didn't look as if she's been rudely awaken by an overexcited fanboy, just found Nemesis very cute as she made sure that the kids were all strapped in at the back of the car.

"Well then, are all three of you ready to go to the mall and see the show?"

"GO GO NINJAS!" Nemesis screamed, pumping his fist into the air.

"Ugh..." Oko groaned, leaning his head against the door and closed his eyes tiredly.

"Mm...." Ayano was half-asleep now.

Tsumura giggled at the three children.

By the time they arrived to the mall's even hall, it was nearly filled to the brim with many children and their guardians.

Tsumura actually had to hold tight onto Nemesis' hand so Nemesis wouldn't just run through the crowd to reach the front of the stage. Oko was holding Tsumura's other hand, shying away from the large crowd practically surrounding them, and Ayano was holding onto Oko's hand, looking around with no interest at all, frowning at the large crowd.

"It's so crowded here..." Tsumura sighed, frowning as she tried to find an open place for her and the children could occupy. "Hm... With so many people here, we might have to just stay at the back."

"What?!" Nemesis exclaimed, snapping his head up at Tsumura. "Nooo! We need to get to the front! We have to watch Go Go Ninjas up at front!"

"We'll do that as soon as we find an open space for us Nemesis, please be patient."

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