First Day of School and Moving Forward (Part 2)

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As soon as the bell rang, and the teachers were all calling the students in, Ayano had her friends made their goodbyes and left for their respective classroom, their teacher making sure they were all together and keeping watch on them from behind. 

Musume strutted in front of the rest of the group, and as soon as she reached the classroom door she slammed it open. Their teacher flinched and gave a stressed sigh, shaking her head before urging the children to enter the classroom, making sure each and everyone of them entered with sharp eyes. As the children entered the room, they all stared at changed layout of their classroom.

Instead of the neat rows of two desk next to each other, there were 5 desks grouped together littering all around the room. 

The teacher clapped her hands again and the children looked up at her. She smiled. "Alright class, as you can see I've decided to randomly group all of you up for lunch so you can better know each other! After all, we'll be together for the next year. So find your backpacks and we'll start eating lunch provided to you by our chefs over at the lunch center!"

The children were hesitant, but very slowly they fanned out to find their respective desk. Some found their backpacks relatively quickly, but many more were still wandering about. Ayano had found hers very quickly, and fortunately Nemesis and Megamo were grouped with her. The were also grouped with two other girls, fortunately not being Musume or one of her friends.

One of the girls had long, shaggy blue hair with red eyes peeking at them rather expressionlessly, much like Ayano's, but she would eventually look down unable to hold eye-contact, playing with her shirt shyly. 

The other girl had long green hair and a smile so large that it almost rivaled Aso's sunny smile, something Ayano didn't think was possible. And it was her who spoke first, rapidly speaking and, stumbling over her words. 

"Hi Hi! My name is Midori Gurin and I love anything green! Green candy, green turtles, author-chan's favorite green shirt, green boxes, even green, squishy moss! I'm also not from whatever this town's name is. I was from Tokyo before my parents decided to move here. My Mom loves blue and my Dad loves yellow! Maybe that's why I love green! After all blue and yellow makes green, me! And-" Midori suddenly started coughing. 

"My name is Kumiko Deremoto..." The blue-haired girl said softly, as Midori was now trying to catch her breath as if she had ran a marathon . "...Hello."

"My name is Ayano Aishi." Ayano also introduced herself, though not as softly as Kumiko who was just nodding. 

Before Nemesis could introduce himself, Midori cut him off as she suddenly squealed, looking at both Ayano and Kumiko. "Ooh! Ooh! Kuudere-Chan and Yandere-Chan!"

"Um... What?" Kumiko asked, taken aback by Midori who was scooting close to her with sparkling eyes. Kumiko tried scooting away to no avail when Midori just followed. "No... My name is Kumiko Deremoto-"

"I heard! But Kuudere-Chan and Yandere-Chan is so much cuter-"

"My name is Nemesis!" The red-eyed boy exclaimed, cutting Midori off and giving her an annoyed look that just made her grin. "And I'm Ayano's friend." He stressed her name, now full out glaring that Midori started giggling. 

"And I'm Megamo Saikou..." Megamo introduced himself softly, looking anxiously between Midori and Nemesis. "And I hope we'll all get along."

"We'll get along!" Midori said confident. Then hugged Kuudere who blushed at being hugged by someone. "Because Author-Chan says so!"

Nemesis stared at Midori. "....Okay, who the heck is Author-Chan?!"

"Author-Chan is Author-Chan! The creator of this alternate world like how YandereDev created the original world, Yandere Simulator!" Midori explained, as if that was obvious. 

A Different Path (Growing Up)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz