First Day of School (Part 1)

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AN - I don't know anything about how the first day of school in Japan goes, and even with research I don't think I did a good job because I'm pretty sure I'm missing a lot of things. So sorry in advance and please comment to tell me what a typical day in Japan, either first day of school or just any typical day if you know anything for future reference. Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Ayano didn't say or show it, but she was excited. And a little bit scared, but her Papa told her that school would be fun, and Ayano believed it. So like a good girl, she listened to her Papa and went to sleep early.

Right before her Papa had put her to bed early since they were going to her new school bright and early in the morning, Info-kun had thrown a note through her open window while Tatsui wasn't looking, and she hid it in her palms before her Papa carried her to bed and read her bed time story, Pretty Hitman. After pretending to doze off asleep, her Papa kissed her forehead and turned off the light, whispering her a goodnight before finally closing her door.

Then opening her eyes and using the bright moonlight as her source of light, she started reading the note.

Don't get eaten alive tomorrow! Completed with a smiley face with devil horns.

Ayano furrowed her brows, frowning. What did Info-kun meant by that? Papa told her that monsters didn't exist.

Trying to push down the worry, she brushed it off and shook her head. Info-kun was messing with her again, just as he always did. But taking a peek at Info-kun's window, she stared at the large, crudely-cut out red letter stuck to the window.

D O N ' T D I E !

Ayano stared, suddenly she didn't want to go to school anymore. And for the rest of the night, she buried herself under her comforters and pillow without sleeping a wink. And when she did, her dreams were filled with horrible nightmares of scary, ugly monsters eating her whole as they laughed.

Next morning was rough for Ayano as she nearly stumbled down the stairs, and she was even wearing her uniform dress backwards. Tatsui fretted as he helped her daughter dress appropriately, before helping her put on her shoes.

"Did you not sleep last night, Ayano?" Tatsui asked, frowning. Mostly at himself for not checking on Ayano. He rarely ever needed to as Ayano slept like a log as soon as her bed time story was finished, but it didn't excuse him for not checking on her.

Ayano slowly shook her head, then looked at Tatsui, her eyes full of tears as she looked really close to crying. "Papa, do I have to go school?"

Pausing, he lowered himself to Ayano's eyesight and patted her head gently. "What's the matter Ayano, you were so excited for school last night."

"I..." Ayano started crying, surprising Tatsui. "I don't want to go to school! I don't want to be eaten by monsters!"

"W-Wha-" Tatsui was stunned as he cradled his crying daughter. "Ayano where did this come from? Sweetie, remember there are no such things as monsters. And besides, school is the most safest place for you to be at." After he had said that, Tatsui blanched as he thought of high school, but pushed it away.

"A-Are you sure?" Ayano sniffled.

"I am very sure." Tatsui smiled, kissing Ayano's forehead. "All the teachers there are trained to protect you from any dangers. They won't allow anything to harm you there."

Ayano continued to sniffle and clutch onto Tatsui, but eventually she loosened her grip on his shirt and nodded, still a little hesitant. Tatsui carried her in his arms, gently setting her bright yellow hat on her head and grabbed for her red backpack.

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