Passing Days #1

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Morning #1- Aishi Home

"Why are you still asleep? Get up!"

Ayano opened her eyes and stared blearily at Nemesis who was standing above her, glaring down at her impatiently.

"Come on Ayano, get up! Go Go Ninjas is about to start!"

Ayano groaned and attempted to ignore Nemesis, and unfortunately he was not having it. Pursing his lips, much like Tsumura who was upset, he grabbed Ayano's blanket and practically pulled it off of her. Ayano now glared at Nemesis, who was now tugging on her arm.

"Come on!"

"Watch it without me..."


Eventually, Nemesis was able to pull Ayano out of bed and dragged her down to the television. Meanwhile Tsumura had a fan in her hand as she smiled innocently, once in awhile smacking the fan in her palm as she carefully watched Tatsui make scrambled eggs for the children without burning it.

Keita Otoro, the patriarch of the Otoro family, tried to hide his smile behind a cup of coffee.

Morning #2- Otoro House

Ayano slowly blinked away as the sun shone down on her face, and slowly sitting up from where she was using Nemesis-kun's stomach as a pillow, she rubbed her eyes and yawned. Looking at the time, she started waking Nemesis up.

"Nemesis-kun... Wake up..."

"Dun't.... Wanna..." Nemesis grumbled, turning his head towards the pillow he was drooling on. "Leave me alone..."

Ayano stared at Nemesis.


Nemesis was in shock, staring at the ceiling of his bedroom with the blanket tangled around his legs. He then looked at Ayano was standing above him with a blank expression, but there was a slight glint of amusement in her eyes. Nemesis scowled.


"...That's what you always do to me whenever I don't want to get out of bed."

Field Trip- Strawberry Field

While Tatsui and Keita were at work, Tsumura decided to use the day to take Nemesis and Ayano out to a local strawberry field. It was the perfect day to go strawberry picking, and there were bound to be other children there as well. Maybe Nemesis and Ayano could make more friends!

"Mom, we're ready."

Turning towards her son, she cooed to see them holding hands.

Nemesis was wearing his usual white button-up shirt, black vest, grey shorts, and blue sneakers. Ayano was wearing pink suspenders with a yellow undershirt and pink slippers, parts of her hair tied up to the side with a pink ribbon. They were both so adorable!

Tsumura held back her squeal as she smiled at the both of them, pumping her fist in the air.

"Then let's get going, shall we!"

With the children in the back seat, occupying themselves talking about the new show, Go Go Ninjas, with Nemesis doing all the talking and Ayano just staring at him with a deadpan expression, Tsumura took one last picture of them before they continued on.

"We're here!"

Nemesis, who fell asleep 10 minutes into the car ride, jerked up and blinked in confusion while Ayano unbuckled her seat belt and slid out of the car. Realizing that his friend was way ahead, Nemesis clumsily unbuckled his own belt and caught up with her, holding her hand as he scowled at her.

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