Chapter 3

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     The incident that had taken place was with a man that I just found out is a guest staying with my family and he is a rather high respected man in Werewolf society and I believe he comes from a bloodline that is even higher in status than the Blackheart family. For me it is the most horrible thing that has ever happened to me. This all is humiliating and embarrassing and I am far too ashamed of myself. My deepest regret is not going down on my knees and begging him to do whatever he wished of me and allowed him to do whatever he wanted with me as it is custom for servants to do wee not they have done something they know they should not have done and they take their punishment no matter what it is. I was one that got off rather easy and for that mercy that I was given I will never make the same horrible mistake again and I will make sure of it.

Touching and more importantly speaking to someone that is noble and comes from a respected family as I do and disrespecting them in that way I have brought more shame to my family than anyone has ever done and I cannot believe I had done it. If they were were to find out what happened they would never allow me to me apart of my family and if I do something else then all hope is gone of ever being with my family as one of them. Now all I have to do is try to stay out of people's eyes until he has forgotten what had happened if he has not already forgotten that is. I do my duties and chores in the kitchen like I normally, help make breakfast and then clean the tools once I'm done. When I speak of helping in the kitchen it means I am doing it alone. This time making a bit more than I would normally be making not only because there are guests but to show these guests that this family does have more food than they need and that they are high in society. I do not know how this works but neither have I had lessons about the society or how it works, I barely know anything about it, all I know is what I have heard from others.

The shining sun is pointing its rays on me and I can only wish I was out there in nature, basking in the beautiful sunlight and enjoy the beauty that comes along with it. However today I won't be allowed to go outside as it is forbidden for any servants nor humans. In fact only those who my family approves can be there. My family and the guests are going to the forest and shifting into their wolves and while I do not know what they will be doing I can only assume they will be hunting hike I stay here and finish my chores though I would have to do that even if it were any normal day. Just because the guests have arrived to the mansion doesn't mean we will be getting off the hook easily as we will still need to keep the mansion clean and while they are here and it has to shine, as my mother would put it and shine it will. I am going to make sure that it shines to make my mother and father proud.

Frying eggs and bacon on the stove the hot oil pops from the pan itself. A drop of the oil lands on my litter finger as it has flown from the pan while I cut the crust of the bread that will be served along with it. The burn from the oil shocks me and I jump up from being startled. The pain is not severe and it is barely even painful, disappears after a few seconds have passed by. I only got frightened for a minute, frightened and shocked. While the eggs and bacon which I need to check up on every so often I cut the break and prepare everything for breakfast. Often my parents are not big fans of breakfast and never truly complain about it and now I can only hope that the guests will be all right with this breakfast that I will be presenting to them. Perhaps it may not be what they is used to but if they request for something else I shall make it for them without hesitation. I would do whatever it takes to make up for the shame that I have brought which I'm glad my parents do not know. If they did I would be in more trouble than ever.

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