Chapter 26

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“Allen why didn’t you just keep your mouth shut. We could have gotten out of this mess.” I say cleaning up my face from the punches. “Why are you in my room Maddison?” glaring at him I went back to cleaning my face. “It was time for all of this shit to come out. It’s been buried long enough.” “Your such pussy. Now I’m getting divorced and who knows what else. We could have gotten out of this.” “All because she didn’t want you, Maddie.” I heard him laugh. “That’s a lie. What’s the real reason you did this.”

“When you asked me for drugs that night you said you wanted them for you, not for Simone and Gavin. I found out the truth later.” “It was just a fun party,” I screamed when Allen punched the mirror where I was. “This is my life and my career. I wanted to say something earlier but what was it you said cupcake. ‘I’m going to tell both of them.’ Right. Even when you got pictures of Gavin’s son you still him that boy was dead.”
“Its none of your business.” “Oh but sugar it is especially since I know more of your secrets.” Turning to Allen “You bett-“ “What!  Better not say anything. We are too far down this road don’t you think.” “They know enough.” “You have two days,” Allen says walking out. I ran behind him calling his name ‘til he was out of site in the hotel.
I continued to call and text Gavin with no answer nor responses from my text messages. Just as I was getting in bed my phone rung. Without looking I answered.
“Try again bitch”
“Where is my husband?” “Tomorrow you are dealing with me.”
Before I could respond she had hung up. I tried to call and text again still nothing. I went to sleep.   


Laying here watching Simone sleep my heart begin to break for her all over again. My mind drifting back to yesterday and all that we found out. Slowly getting out of bed to finally change clothes and get a shower. Allowing the water to relax my body while trying to clear my head. Getting out the shower I heard my phone ping letting me know I have a text message I ignored it knowing it would be Maddison.
Hearing my phone ring again I notice the name then slipped out the room to answer it.
“Gwen are you alright. It’s late.” “Yeah, I’m just trying to find out how you and Simone are. I saw you take her home. She is here with me. I didn’t take her home.” “All because of Keith or you hoping to rekindle,” Gwen said sounding happy and hopeful. “It is so much you don’t know. Just know Maddison did some fucked up shit to Simone and me.” I say as my voice cracked. “Gavin.” “get some sleep we will talk tomorrow.” “Is Simone really okay.” “She will be. Love you, Gwen. Get some sleep.” “Good night Gav.” She said then I hung up.
Walking back in the room I heard Simone stirring in her sleep.
“Gavin,” she said softly. Feeling the empty where I was. Before I reached the bed she called my name again. “I’m here Simone,” I say as I sat down on the bed.  I saw the tears forming in her eyes again. Going to her I held her softly. “Please hold me tighter,” she said as her voice broke and she cried some more. I held her ‘til she went back to sleep. I laid her down then got behind her held her as we went to sleep.  
Waking up I saw Simone still sleeping. I eased my way of bed careful not to disrupt her. Leaning in I kissed her cheek softly. Heading to the bathroom do my morning hygiene routine. When I finished I checked in on Simone who was still asleep.
In the middle of making us something to eat, I heard Simone coming down the stairs. Not bothering to look at her but I felt her presence.
“How are you feeling?” She was silent for a while before beginning to talk. “I don’t know how to feel. I feel violated, numb, angry. I too many emotion to attempt to choose from.” She said softly. “Is….. wil-“ “Maddison doesn’t live here. I just got this house not long ago. She doesn’t know about it.”  I went around and sat her food in front of her.
“Why did you marry her.” She said with anger in her voice. She picked up the glass of tea throwing the liquid contents all over me. I locked eyes with her. Before I realized what was happening she being yelling and hitting me. She then broke a vase in my house. While still asking “WHY DID YOU MARRY HER” or “WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?”  
I gently got her hands looking at her in her eyes “You're not mad at me. Your angry and upset at them. You have every right to be, but I didn’t do anything. You are taking your anger out on the wrong person.” Dropping her hands I pulled her into a tight hug while she cried.
Sitting down finally eating after getting cleaned up I broke the silence.
“When I was in college Maddison told me you had the abortion. I tried to find you. Actually, She told me more than once. The second time she told I tried to find you. Nevertheless, I also came up empty. I assumed you moved away and got married. When I ran into Maddie again she was telling me how good we are then my parents started in and I asked her to marry me. It was so easy for me to believe her because you and she were best friends. When I saw you in my office it was like looking at a ghost. I could comprehend a damn sentence. When I got home Maddison was there and after everything, I remembered something she said which was she said you had an abortion. Then I noticed her doing shit and hiding shit with Allen. I knew he was coming for homecoming did I expect all of this no. I’m so sorry. I should have been there for you and Jonah. I guess in a way you are right. This is my fault.”
Getting up I put my plate in the sink. “You need to eat Simone” Taken a few bites of her food she looked at me.
“How do you look at the person who you love, who is suppose to be your best friend now you look at them with fear and hatred.”  She said as she took a sip of her beverage.
“Why did she do this Gavin? What did I do to dese-“  “Don’t you dare finish that sentence. None of this is your fault and don’t start thinking it is.” “Nothing is going to happen to them for all they did to us.” “Yes hell, they are. They both are going to be dealt with. I am going to make sure they are going to pay with lives trust me.” “What are you going to do?” “It’s better that you don’t know. I don’t need you being an accomplice in any of this. Just know they are going to pay. It won’t take away your pain but it will be justice Gavin’s way.”

Pulling up in front of the house I rushed out. Begin to cry I knocked on the door. The door open and I saw momma Dorthey. “Momma Dot.” I say crying uncontrollably” “Maddy my gosh sweetheart what’s wrong? Is it Gavin?” “No ma’am well sort of,” I said crying harder. “Come in”
Sitting on the couch. “Gavin is leaving me over some lies being told. I love Gavin so much I don’t want our marriage to end.” “Don’t you worry. We are going to fix this matter. Why are they lying on you? You know what it doesn’t matter. This is getting handled today. Nobody messes with my family.” She said  hugging me



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