Chapter 86

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                          (Next week)

Feeling my insides slowly incinerating each time she comes. Hearing the door open I prepare myself to fight back. “Hello dear. I hear you are trying to overdo it in physical therapy. I bet you are ready to attack me,” She says with a hearty laugh. I just looked at her. “ Gavin came and said he still loves me. He loves me so much he ate my pussy.” Noticing she had another bag with her she opened it pulling out a laptop. After doing some stuff she smiled as a video begin to play. The warm tears filled my eyes then spilled over. “He cants. They can't be” “Why don’t you want Gavin and Simone together. After all you this was what you wanted. Right.” The tears stained my face.
“You never loved my son and you damn sure wasn’t any kind of a friend to Simone. You set out to deliberately destroy that poor girl. Sadly no matter who ask and how many times people ask all your going to lie, blame other people and claim you love her, well claim you love them. The truth of the matter is that you wanted everything Simone had. The loving family, real friends, you wanted to be her. When you realized you couldn’t you dismantled her life piece by piece.

You wanted to be her, you became obsessed with her life, not her just her life. When that wasn’t enough you went to my son because you knew Gavin was falling in love with her. You knew she loved Gavin. When he went looking you made sure he never knew he had a son. Now look, you’re here laid up still plotting and scheming. Their love conquered everything you threw at them to destroy, and as much pain as you inflicted on them not only them but Jonah you still failed.” She laughed.
“I didn’t mean to hurt Jonah. You keep and him and his father apart. Maybe that young mean wouldn’t be broken and filled with pain more than love had your ass not been a selfish bitch he would have had both of his parents. The news of Gavin and Simone’s engagement is killing you more than this solution cocktail. She says pulling out a fresh IV bag dangling it in the air. “He should have been mine and Gavin’s child. She fuckin knew.” I tried to yell. “She knew,” I said quieter. “Before everything I told her I like a football star then that night at the party she was eyeing him. From that point, I fucked her life up and left it n shambles and I don’t care.” Dorthey laughed.
“Are you expecting me to buy into this bullshit your saying. More lies to cover up the real reason. It's redundant now because no of care. You’re a miserable slut who tried to get off but never came because your pussy stinks and nobody helped.” “Your wrong Allen and William are coming and when I g-“ “Allen is making amends best he can and that sorry bastard I haven’t even started with him yet. In time” She laughed “In due time I will make him suffer at my hands as well. You two thought yall were so fucking untouchable but look who is standing and fucking both of yall up.

“Fuck you bitch.” She laughed. “Your husband, Thomas, he has a birthmark on his left ass cheek. It goes around like a cut almost. Now, how did  know that.” I laughed loud and heartily. “He can have this pussy again.” “AHHHHHH” I held my face she just slapped. “Do you ever stop lying.” She said then walked out the room.
Laying here as my inside charred I tried to rip the IV bag down but failed then tried to take the needle out my arm but how they have it I couldn’t. a knock on my door startled me “Come in” I said as the door open questions swam in my mind. “Jonah, what are you doing here?” 
While cooking in the kitchen I hear the front door open and close. Moments later I felt arms snake around my waist as he kissed me on my neck. “Hey, beautiful. What are you cooking?” I stopped stirring turning around in his arms I kissed him passionately. “Baked pork chops, spicy carrots, homemade honey cornbread, and homemade mashed potatoes.” “Sounds good” He says and I turn my attention back to the stove.

“Don’t worry about fixing a dessert I’m having you.” Smiling and biting my lip as Gavin’s unbutton my pants. Sliding his hands in my pants. “Stop” I giggled. “Stop what.” He slipped his finger in my pussy making me open my legs wider. “This,” he said kissing my neck. Becoming weaker with each passing second we were interrupted when we heard a knock on the door. “Got damn it,” Gavin said in frustration.
He went and washed his hands as I fixed myself up. Gavin went to open the door but stopped in his tracks looking at me. “This is not over.” He said licking and sucking on his fingers. I laughed as he went to open the door. Hearing the door close then a loud “MOMMA P” Steve hugged me tightly. “I saw you this morning. How was school.” “School was okay. It's them, girls, though. Always wanting me. eyes me like I, some piece of meat. I will be feeling violated. Can I call the cops for sexual harassment? I be trying to learn some, some, some of whatever being taught and I can't.”
Gavin walked behind Steve and hit him in the back of the head. “Momma P you see that. Let’s call CPS on him. I don’t feel safe. He said standing close to me and closer to the stove. “AWWWWWWWWWWWW” “What wrong with you.” “The stove burned me,” Steve said as I laughed.

“Gavin can you get the plates down please and Steve can you fix the cups, please. “Yes ma’am” “When is Jonah” Steve asked? “Soon as he said come over for dinner I got here quick as I could. I even ran two red lights and a stop sign.” “You did what,” I said looking at Steve. “I followed all the safety guidelines of the road.”  “Uhm.”  “Jonah is going out to eat with Gwen, Odell, and Patrick.” Gavin said.
We sat down ready to eat as Steve quickly said the grace. We eat in silence until Steve spoke. “If Jonah isn’t here did yall want to see me.” “We did” I stopped eating looking at Steve. “Is something wrong with Jonah.” Fear, worry and panic took over Steve. “Jonah is fine. We need to talk about you.” He nodded with sad eyes.
“Steve you know we love and care about you. You are the other son we never had. When Jonah and I moved here we never knew we would meet a funny, exciting, smart, athletic young man who would be Jonah’s best friend and another son for us.” “You forgot handsome momma P.” I laughed. “Very handsome.” “Baby you have parents and yes they made mistakes but they are your parents and I am so thankful for them because if they didn’t have you then we wouldn’t have you.

Your too old for adoption, we can't go to your parents about adoption or taking you away, but we do want you in our lives and in our family. We are going to make it so that we are your second set of parents kind of like godparents. Gavin and I have been talking and we want you to remain in our lives and any possible kids we have, we want them to have their big brother Steve.” I stopped because I couldn’t continue.  
Tears spill from Steve's eyes. “God answered my prayers I will finally have a real family.” Gavin and I got up and hugged Steve as he cried. “Yes, son you do,” Gavin said.




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