Chapter 46

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Waking up instantly grabbing my head from the pounding and pain that would not let up. Slowly sitting up taken in my surroundings I realize I’m in a foreign place. ‘where the hell am I’ I say to myself. Noticing this isn’t even the same room I was in last night sitting on the bed recalling all events last night. The last thing I remember is being in a room with Nicole and drinking a drink she got me. fear washes over me before realizing I am still in my clothes. Hearing a noise startled me getting up and walking down the corridor ‘til I see a kitchen where a white man with tattoos on his back is cooking.
“Who are you and where the hell am I” watching him turn to face me and I see more tattoos on him. “Good morning to you too,” he says then turn back to flip a pancake then turns back to me. “How you feeling” “Who the fuck are you” he takes the pancake out of the pan turns the stove off and walks towards me.
“I’m Allen, nice to finally meet you Jonah” “How do know me” I ask with concern. “I know your father. Actually, until recently, we were best friends as for your mom lets just say I did wrong by her.” 
“How did I get here.”  “If I didn’t get you out when I did your entire world would have gotten shattered” “What are you talking about” “You ready to eat?” “I’m ready for some answers” “You want some juice or water I’m sure you don’t drink coffee or do you.” “Did you hurt Nicole” “That slut should be the least of your worries seeing she the one who drugged you well her and her fuck buddy. Eat your breakfast before it gets cold.”
After eating I just sat at the table my mind trying to comprehend everything that happened last night and this morning. “Penny for your thoughts.” “How did you even find me.” “I overheard Nicole and Maddison talking.” “Maddison” which came out more of a question. “Gavin’s wife and your mom’s best friend. Well, ex to both. He divorced her and your mom when she learned the truth she that ended their friendship.” “Stop saying he’s my father. He’s nothing to me.”
Allen comes taken a seat in front of boring his eyes into me. “Listen I get it. Your hurt, angry and fucked up because of Gavin’s choice’s I get it I do. You need to understand something everything isn’t Gavin’s fault.” “Then tell me” “Why don’t you want to ask Gavin. Wouldn’t the truth be better if you heard it from him.” “I know about the woman who faked the pregnancy.” “That was a fucking time for Gavin.” “You was there.”
“I was with Gavin during that time.” He dropped his head “Gavin was the happiest I ever saw him. Not even throwing or making a making a winning touchdown and Gavin loves football. For months after the truth was exposed he changed into a person, I no longer recognized nothing mattered to him anymore. I remember one day  went over to check on him like two weeks after everything came out I never saw a person so broken.” We sat in silence for a while until I broke the silence.
“Then why didn’t he want me the child that is his.” “You don’t know everything kid and you can't see it because you have so much anger and resentment towards Gavin but he loves you. You’re a captain on the football team  right.” “Yeah one of them” “can you carry all every player on your back? I mean literally carry them on your back?” “No that would weigh me down.” “How do you think Gavin feels. He has to carry yours and your mom’s hatred, agony, suffering, rage while carrying his own around along with his guilt, remorse his own brokenness. One man carrying all of this. Listen closely I’m going to tell you something that nobody else knows not even his family.” I nod my head
“After your mom left Gavin had another breakdown he lost another child.” “but I’m here” “are you really here and did Gavin even know.” “I’m alive of course I’m here.” “Are you here or are you living your pain your own misery. Are you happy living there because you are the only one who can change that.” I couldn’t speak just allowed his words to sink into me. “He had a choice and he didn’t want me” “He did and the choice he made broke his heart. Your not the only one with a broken heart and who is suffering. For 16 years Gavin lived with guilt and he still is.”
Since was screaming louder than ever. “Come on let me take you home. Your phone is over there and your friend Steve has been calling and texting you. “I need to call my mom.” “I’ll get you home soon as I can.”  

Watching Simone as she sleeps with my arms wrapped around her. Gently moves some strands of hair out of her face then kissing her on her cheek. I smile to myself. “It’s not nice to stare Gavin  and what are you smiling at?” “I’m smiling at you,” I say as pull Simone closer to me. “Simone I need to know do you re-“ “Stop. You and I both know nothing happened that we didn’t want to happen.” I kiss her neck slowly making my way down her back. “We need a bath first Gavin.” She says giggling. “Fine,” I say as I got out of bed going to the bathroom and running a bath for Simone.  
While the water was running in the tub I decided to go ahead and brush my teeth as Simone came in the bathroom and she brushed her teeth as well. Cutting off the water I walk back over to Simone slowly and with ease taking off her robe. “Come on beautiful,” I say as I place a kiss on her shoulder. Helping Simone in the tub I get in behind her and taking a washcloth washing her body. “Why am I getting all of this special attention,” She says with a hint of lust in your voice. She turns to me taking the washcloth out of my hand washing my body while staring deep in my eyes.
Feeling Simone’s lips crash upon me wrapping my arms around her. Her eyes locked with mine as she positions herself and gets on top of me. As she is riding me slow pulling herself close to me as I pull her closer and more on me.
Hearing her moan gets me harder and she takes all of me deep inside of her. Grabbing her face kiss with her with urgency and passion. “Fuck Simone” I moan as she interlaces our fingers then kiss me. I can tell she is about to cum I release her hands and held her close to my body as her passionate cries fill my ears as she releases and I follow cumming deep inside of her.
I smile at her. “which one of us is going to cook breakfast?” I ask as we both laugh which was cut off by the sound of my phone ringing.




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