Chapter 78

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                         {Next day}

While in school during the change of class I opted to go to the field house instead. Needing to talk with Gavin. When I walked into the field house I got close to Gavin’s office and I heard him on the phone. “No, what I’m saying is he is a great player he just needs some more hands-on coaching before you make your final decision. I really want him to go to this college.” There was long pausing indicating the other party was talking. “He wants to attend this school I am sure of it. What will it take for this school to accept him and he has a full scholarship? And no I am not saying I will pay someone off besides that what can I do.”

Silence fell again. Dropping my head trying to cool down my boiling blood. ‘He said he wouldn’t interfere’ I said to myself. “I’ll work with him more personally. And don’t accept him because of me. Do it because he deserves it and he will be a great student and athlete.” He stopped talking then spoke. “Thank you for taking the time to talk to me. Have a great day.” He paused “Bye sir.”
Walking in the open door I let him have it. “I thought you said you would let me get into college on my own merits, not with help from you. I knew I couldn’t trust you.” I said backing out of his office. “Wait. Come back here.” I stopped in my tracks and looked at him in his eyes. “In my office now.” Walking back in he came from around his desk sat on his desk. “That the call wasn’t about you. That was about Steve.” “Steve” “Yes Steve. He plays two positions really well but still needs some work in certain areas, therefore some colleges mostly this one, in particular, are saying he will not get a full scholarship so I wanted to know what I could do to help him get into this college and get a full scholarship.”
Still looking at Gavin I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t form sentences. “I know how much Steve loves the game and I know he’s your best friend and I wanted to help him.” “Thank you. I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions and assuming the worse.” “Jonah, I know it is going to take some time to gain your trust and willing to do whatever it takes. I promise I will never do anything to hurt you again.” I nodded my head in understanding before I could say anything he spoke again. “Shouldn’t you be in class right now.”  “I need to talk to you about momma.” “Is she alright” “Yeah, she is. Do you want to be with my momma.” He froze in his spot then looked me in my eyes.
“We talked an-“ “Yeah I know it was Friday. I went came in the back door heard some and left. That’s why I’m asking.” “I’m not going to lie to you, I would love nothing more than to be with Simone, however, before I can cross that bridge I need to build a relationship with you first. Simone and I also need to make sure you will accept us being together. Before we can even move forward I need to build a relationship with her also. Me and Simone don’t really know each other just certain things.” I nodded my head.
“I won't stand in the way of you and my mom. I want yall to be together if that’s what yall want and I’m positive yall do and I am okay with that.” He smiled. “But when are you going to be willing to build a father-son relationship with me.” “I want to start now, but I don’t know what to do, and it will take me some time. I am willing to put forth all the effort it will take if you will reciprocate my efforts. It will be slow at times but” “Jonah, you're trying I can't ask for more than what you are willing to give. I love Jonah and I’ll do what I have to for the rest of my life to prove it to you.” I smiled “I need a favor from my coach.” “I have missed a lot of class can you write me a note to excuse the tardiness.” He raised his brow to me. “Momma will kill me.” I got a notepad and wrote a note. “Let’s not make this a habit.” “It want me. Thank you.” “Your welcome. I’ll see you at practice.” I nodded and left for class.

Waking up every day my insides burn more slowly. Trying to relay to the doctor's what's going on but they say its nothing. Hearing the door open I close my eyes. “How are you dear, I’m going to assume burning away.” She said with a smug tone. “I – I’m going to ki-kill you” “Oh really and how do you expect to that.” She takes a seat on my bed. Locking eyes with me. “Your the plan is failing.” I rushed out catching my breath then finished. “And I will have Gavin back”  She laughed in my face then stood up. She was silent but I could feel her presence. “AHHHHH” I screamed out as she jerked my hair back. Do you really want to tangle with me? Because next time I will make sure you die in a fall or whatever else I have in store for you,” With all I had I spoke.
“Listen, bitch, I got Gavin before and I will have him again.” She laughed. “I understand you like to rape and watch people have sex.” A sinister look plastered on her face. “Don’t worry it wants to be today,” Oh and that brat you sent after my grandson is going to pay also.” “You don’t have the balls to do anything else,” I said then spit in her face. “Count your days Maddison.” She said then turned off one off the machines that are helping me then walked out.


After school I text Gwen asking if we could meet she said at her parent's house. Pulling up Steve’s mouth dropped. “This house is unfuckingbelievable” “Yeah I know. Let's go in.” Ringing the doorbell moments later Mrs. Langford opened the door. “Come in,”  When we stepped inside Steve looked around in aw. “This house so clean I’m not even going to pee in it. My piss might discolor the toilet.” I looked at Steve. “I have to go but I cant in here. They don’t use Mr. bubbles to clean in here. They  use a champagne cleaner.” “What.” Before he could reply Mr. Langford spoke. “Come on in.”
We walked over and I introduced Steve to them. “So why did you ask to meet us.” Gwen questioned. “I have an idea on how I can get my mom and Gavin together, but I need yall’s help.” “What we getting our parents together,” Steve said overly excited. “I say we kidnap them tie up together for a while.” “Steve why would we kidnap them.” “How else are we going to get them together. This is our best chance. Or we could do something else.” “Like what. You already want to break the law and have us as accomplices.” Mr. Langford said.
“How about we trap them together for a few this like this weekend.” We all looked at each other. “That’s not a bad idea.” Mrs. Langford said. “I know I get my smarts from Momma P, Jonah got his from dad” They all looked at Steve. “I mean coach.”

“Here is what we will do,” Mr. Langford said.




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