Chapter 39

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                     Same night

Holding Jonah in my arms while he cried broke more than just my heart. He kept asking questions but he kept reverting back to ‘why didn’t you want me’ if my son only knew. Looking around I don’t see any of his friends or a car in site. “How did you get here” I watch as Jonah shrugged his shoulders. “I- I- waaaaa-“ “Come on let's get you in the house. “No. I…I  don’t go” He managed to get out. “Fine, I’ll take you to your mom.” “Just leave us alone. You broke her heart.” He says softly and cries again. Picking him up I helped him in the house. “I have a guest room you can stay in.” he nodded his head as we walked to the room.
Jonah opens his mouth to speak but was disrupted by vomit making its way up. I pointed toward the bathroom as he rushed inside. I went downstairs and got him a bottle of water and came back up to the room as he was walking out however he quickly turned back around.
“You alright” I looked at Jonah who was half asleep. I decided to watch him ‘til he fell asleep. Walking over to him watching him sleep I want to say so much but I repress it until he is sober and ready to talk. Kissing the top of his head. Leaving out the room I stop at the doorway looking back at him again. “I love you, son,” I say in whisper tone then close the door.  
Grabbing my phone I call Simone. After the third ring, she picked up the phone. “Hello” “Hey I just wanted you to know Jonah is here at my house.” “How did he get your house.” “I don’t know. I’ll ask him in the morning” “Bring him home now Gavin.” “Sweetie that’s going to be hard.” “Why” “Si-“ You know what I’m on way” “What” “You heard me.” “Simone it’s late I prom-“ “I’m on my way” I looked at the phone and she had hung up.
Laying back on my couch watching TV when I heard the doorbell ring. Knowing who it was I rushed to answer it. Opening the door I see Simone in a white tank top with glasses on with a worried look evident on her face. Taken a deep breath I looked at her again. I moved to the side so she could come in.
“Where is Jonah?” “Upstairs sleep its best if we just let him sleep.” “Did he do that to your car?” I remained silent. “Come let's sit on the couch.” “What are you not telling me.” “Jonah showed up here drunk.” “Jonah doesn’t drink” “I think he just needed an outlet and he chose liquor.” I started laughing “I bet he was like you at parties. Wanted to be alone.” “I am not a party person.”
“You can stay here also Simone. It’s more than enough room” “Thanks but I’ll come back in the morning.” I took Simone’s hand in mine as we walked upstairs to another room. “Don’t think I forgot Gavin. I’m still pissed at you.” “For what exactly” “You and Maddison. How cou-. Never mind its any of my business she is your wife after all” she said with anger and sadness in her voice. I watch her get on the bed getting comfortable.
“Are you going to watch me sleep?” “I have nothing better too,” I say with a smile. Moments later she was sleep. As my mind drifted back to the nights of her in my bed and holding her tight. I kissed her on the cheek and on the forehead then walked out the room closing the door behind me.   
Going back down stair to finish the show I was laying on the couch when heard someone coming down the steps. I looked up and saw Simone. “is everything alright?” “Yeah. I went to the bathroom and couldn’t go back to sleep. I hope you don’t mind.” “No, come on over. Anything you want to watch” “No. I just want to watch enough ‘til I get sleepy again.” “Want something to eat or drink” “No I’m okay.” She sat down beside me. I looked at her in her beautiful brown eyes. “You don’t always have to be so strong with me,” I say. A few tears spilled from her eyes. Hugging her tight. After a while, I laid down and Simone was on top of me with her arms under me and I held her tight. Before I knew it we were both sleeps.  
                          Next morning  
Waking up entangled with Gavin. I smile at him sleep then got up went to the bathroom to do my daily hygiene. Finding all the necessities in the bathroom I got freshen up. Leaving out the bedroom I checked in on Jonah to see him still sleeping.
I decided to go back downstairs and into the kitchen to cook us breakfast. Taking out the ingredients to cook when I hear my name being called. I stayed silent and begin cooking when I felt a presence in the kitchen behind me. “I’m surprised you found some food to cook.” I might laugh. “You usually, don’t have food to cook.” I turn to look at Gavin. “Have you forgotten my grilled cheese sandwiches” a smile creeps upon my face. “I’ll be back I’m going to  take a shower.” I heard him leave as the past played in my mind.
“Why you always saying or questioning me with other ladies?” “You always with them Gavin.” “I’m not with them when I’m with you.” “You go to them when you leave me an-.” I turn to walk off. “And what,” Gavin says as he caught me from behind and snaked his arms around my waist” “Just let me go” He held me closer and tighter. Kissing me on my neck. “Tell me” “I don’t want to,” I say trying to get out of his grip. “Stop,” He says sternly.
“Sweetheart talk to me.” “I hate seeing you with other women.” I broke out his grasp only to be pulled back. He remained silent then took my hand and sat me on the island in the kitchen as he stands between my legs. “What do you Simone” Sitting their stunned looking deep in his eyes. “I -I” “I what. Tell me” leaning my head down I rest it on his shoulder. “I don’t know. You were my first everything and me -I don’t Gavin. I should go.” “Nope you staying with me,” He says as he lifts head to his and kisses me.
“Simone” Gavin says waving his hand in my face as I slowly removed my hands from my lips. “You okay” “Yeah I’m fine Gavin” “What were you thinking about” “Did you check on Jonah” “Yeah he's still sleeping” “I don’t know how much I can pay you to get the damage taken care on your car and the house.” “I’m sorry what” “The cost to repair the damage” “If you think for one second I’m allowing the mother of my son to pay for anything.” “Jonah dama-“ “I don’t care.” “Well I do and he will pay for the damage.” 
“Listen I understand you want to and have taught him responsibility but I won’t have him or you paying for this. Jonah was and still is in a lot of pain and he finally broke. I’m not punishing him for taking out his anger and pain on my car.” “At least le-“, “No.” “He getting grounded” “You’re his mom. I won't come between what you are going to do on that note, but remember he is hurting.” “I don’t know how to help him or stop his pain.” “Sweetheart we just have to be there for him and for me that means giving him his space ‘til he is ready.” Before we could finish we heard Jonah coming down the stairs.
I moved out of the open so he wouldn’t be able to see. “How you feeling this morning” “My head. Can you please be quieter.” “Hangovers are no joke. Had plenty in my day.” “It was my first time drinking and I’m thinking my last.” “It better me,” I said “Momma,” He said shocked. “I called you mo
m last night she needed to know what happened.” “I” “Jonah sit and eat you mom made breakfast.”
“I don’t know why I did what I did,” Jonah says lowly with shame in his voice. “Don’t worry about it. Just eat your breakfast” Gavin says to Jonah as we eat breakfast as…. A family.



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