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And finally, our Overload Week crown jewel. 

Before you begin reading this Sanders Sides fic, there are a few things I'd like to make public to you all, as I do.

1. Ships.

If you looked at the tags before you opened the book, you'll notice that no ships are tagged. There's a reason for this.

There are none.

This is going to be a storyline based fic (like Deserter) and I don't think romance is necessary to the plot. Well, not with the main characters, there are a couple background/extras that are in relationships.

1. Opinions.

If y'all been around here for a bit you will know that I AM OPINIONATED. I will be using headcanons in this story. 


You may not agree with the things being expressed. That's fine. You're free to have your own opinions/ideas. But be nice to each other if you wanna talk about it.

I had another Wattpad account once upon a time (it's CRINGE and I would like to forget it exists so y'all don't get to know what it's called), and the amount of arguing/toxicity that was present was so bad that I would get stressed out about it. As a high schooler/college student, I have enough stress to deal with as is and I don't need to be worrying over why my readers are screeching at each other (because I will worry, it's just how I am).

Be nice to each other, respect each other as people, respect ME as a person and an auther please. Don't harass, belittle, mock, or bully. I've gotten enough death threats, thank you. If you find something that I'm wrong about, feel free to correct me or comment on it, but be NICE.

3. Triggers.

This one might be an issue. I'm not sure yet. There's fighting, people are definitely gonna die eventually. I'm going to do my best to tag trigger warnings at the beginning of the chapter.

If I miss something, let me know! I'm always willing to add things to the list, and I don't want someone to suffer because I didn't know I was talking about something that would upset them.

I'm not great at identifying triggers, but I do think I usually get the most serious ones.

Again, tell me if you see something. I will tag it in future chapters. Message me, comment, do whatever you feel is necessary to let me know.


As always, ask questions if you have them! Make comments, be constructive (with criticism and in general). I'm totally open to suggestions and discussion with anything that's written in my book.

Depending what you ask, I might answer you or defend my decisions. I will be respectful as i am asking you to be, and I hope I can either explain or resolve everything that is brought up.


I might circle back to these points in chapter notes, so if the repetitiveness annoys you... sorry. I want everyone to have the best reading experience possible.

Last note is that I'm not putting character references on here. You'll be introduced to them as we go.

That's all I've got for you with this, hope you like the book. And shoutout to Bree (you know who you are) for encouraging my development of this mess of an AU. Spread peace, love, and positivity, and enjoy!

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